With the way I do the math for the survey (i.e. how it resolves ties), and the fact that some maidens had a higher chance of getting responses than others (on average), the survey was originally weighted unfairly against a couple of the Maidens. So I reworked the script to balance this a bit better...
What's the best way I can explain this.
Linda: 12 answers give her votes. She's listed first.
Sara has 13 answers that give her votes. She's listed after Linda, and ties go to Linda.
Similarly, Jen has 14 answers that give her votes. She's listed after Sara and Linda, so she has to get more votes than Sara and Linda in order to win.
So the maidens with the most possible answers are now listed last in a feeble attempt to balance things a bit...
And this also means that you have an equal number of things in common with both Linda and Jen.
I plan to modify this script (when I get time) so you can get an 'alternate maiden' displayed. I.E. You are most like Sara with JoJo as an alternate choice. I would also like to add a few more questions (to reduce the chance of ties), but am waiting for the Gals return so I can pick their brains for some fun questions. Enjoy my handiwork in the meantime!