Which of these 2 amps sounds better (clip)


The Village n00b
Jun 7, 2009
Greencastle, PA
Alright, I'm not going to tell what amps are in the recording until I get a few opinions. Then I will tell why I am asking this quesion. So please give the following clip a listen and give me your opinion (on the sound of the amps, not my playing :p)

ps. let me know if the link is broken, im hosting it from my home server so :/
I like amp one a whole lot better. Amp number two however could have more treble and less mids? Perhaps that's why number one seems so much better. Amp two sounds like it has a pillow in front of the speaker.
Okey well basically, the preamp is the same in both clips, a behringer x v-amp. the power amp and speakers are the only things that change. clip 1 is the power section+speakers of my fender frontman 212r, and clip 2 is into the front end (since it currently lacks an effects loop) of a 1970's yamaha b100II bass amp hooked to 2x peavey scorpion speakers. I just wanted to see how "passable" the bass amp was as a guitar amp/power amp. As soon as im done typing this im going to get back to work on modding an effects loop into the yamaha and adjusting the tone stack and graphic EQ to be a little more guitar friendly (converting 60hz EQ to a 2500hz EQ and brightening up the treble/mid controls).
inb4 guitarplayersthread

edit: oh rite teh amps

Well 1 sounded best, but then there were that last one where I think 2 was best.
I didnt do anything fancy to the clips, just threw a mic in front of the speakers and recorded. It sounds much better in person. We can go ahead and kill this thread since its pretty much pointless and if I feel like showing off the mods I made to the bass amp I'll probably just post them in the guitar players thread.