Can digitally modelled amps replace analogue amplifiers? (listening test)

Matheus Augusto

New Metal Member
May 24, 2016
Hey Guys!

I'm conducting a study on the topic of digitally modelled amps. It's based on my own hypothesis that digital amp modelling can replace all types analogue amplification (tube amps in particular) for common guitar practices which include practicing at home, live performances and studio recording. Therefore, I created a listening test which is primarily intended to illustrate whether guitarists would happily use amp modellers as opposed to tube amps and other analogue amplifiers in terms of tonal quality. The questions aren't perfect (biased in some people's opinion), but hopefully your feedback will enable me to generate sufficient data for me to prove or disprove my initial hypothesis. So if anyone is interested in participating, you would be contributing towards new research on guitar amplification would be helping me out massively!

(Also, make sure you read the instructions before completing the test as there are audio files you need to download to use whilst doing the test)

Survey link:

Firstly I have to mention I'm a simple hobbyist (read; amateur) and currently in front of your every-day home stereo and as such I'm unable to accurately give any answers to the survey itself, however I thought I'd share a comment on the subject. On an additional "disclaimer" I'd like to think you should really include at least two instances of the same riff spoiler(i.e the AC/DC, Cream or Led Zeppelin)spoiler, one with analogue and one with amp modelling, for, as you said, less biased answers. Also a question came up while listening; are these done with something like Kemper or some VST or the like?

To my point - I think the whole subject boils down to the resources you have at your disposal and the application of said resources; while rehearsing can you blast a tube amp as loud as you want? While touring, do you have to carry your wall of cabs to the stage yourself or are your friends easily impressionable? When recording, what is the budget you're forced to work with, intolerable latency or intolerable quality in hardware. Lastly but most importanly, the sound you're trying to achieve; I can speak only for myself but I still haven't heard a good emulation of the legendary Boss HM-2 distorion pedal, plenty of decent ones but not one good enough to utilize on a proper production.

Can't say what your hypothesis is but the whole discussions seems to be at a bit of an standstill, one hears "digital" and thinks of some early 90's synths and the other hears analogue and goes "I can twist my knob enough at home". Mostly off-topic, hope I don't get banned for my second post, the subject is an interesting one.