Which person from the Forum are Excited about seeing at ProgPowerVIII


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Well folks we are about 45 days away, and just out of curiosity, which person from the forum are you most excited about seeing again this year? (you can name up to 8 people) For me it has to be:

Colleen and Todd
Todd(from Dallas)

I know it's hard to pick just 8, so I will go even further and say I can't wait to see everyone.
my friend Jeremy Hall from Iowa who will be attending ProgPower for the first time ever this year. We've known each other for probably six years or more through the wonders of technology but have yet to meet in person. :cool:

beyond that, the usual list of suspects who do not live in the ATL metro area:

Billy (ALD)
Alicia (dragongrrrl)
Bryan (316)
Ian (Biffle)
Justin (mosquito)
Orbweaver (hey, who snuck that in? ... LOL :p )

sorry I didn't see (8) until I listed all these folks. And there's too many more to list right now, but you know who you are. :p
What is this, a popularity contest?

Personally, I'm stoked about seeing Lance, Ken, and Zane with their vast array of discs at my finger tips! :headbang: I love having that many discs to choose from under one roof!

Yes I can't wiat to see you also, you just need to decide which shitkickers you want. It is hard to decide which 8, I just can't wait to see everyone, and hang out with as many as I can in 4 days.
You know I'm just giving you grief because I can ;)
We'll have to discuss the shitkickers more, I think....but I won't be in the chatroom in the evenings for the next two weeks (will be working the night shift). Maybe this weekend if you're around?
I'm not making a list because there are WAY too many people I want to see, and not nearly enough time to spend with them all.
i'm new, i don't know anyone!

...except for the friend i'm going with

Just wait after 10 minutes you will know just about everyone, and will think of them as family.

I guess this thread is unfair as you can't name just 8 people you want to see and i realized that i had left some mighty important people off my list. So I will say that my 8 are.

All the ones at the Granada
All the ones at the RI.
All the ones at Super 8
All the ones at the Marriott
All the ones who are in Atlanta and just commute to the venue
All the ones at other Hotels/Motels.
Plus all the ones that can't go this year.
Plus all the n00bs.
Everyone, but the ones who'd better say hi, in their own special way are:
John (you)

And I only list them, because they aren't local. :D For everyone else, just tap me on the shoulder and introduce yourself. But please don't try to throw me over your shoulder....unless you're Claus. I can bring you to your knees faster that way. :D
Just wait after 10 minutes you will know just about everyone, and will think of them as family.

Meh. This is my fifth straight year, and I've met a grand total of 6 forum members. One of whom I met at the Ga. Ren. Fest. Two I met at Blue Cats in Knoxville, of which one hasn't actually attended a ProgPower yet. One other I met at Jaxx. I've met a total of 1 at ProgPower and another through him.
Meh. This is my fifth straight year, and I've met a grand total of 6 forum members. One of whom I met at the Ga. Ren. Fest. Two I met at Blue Cats in Knoxville, of which one hasn't actually attended a ProgPower yet. One other I met at Jaxx. I've met a total of 1 at ProgPower and another through him.

you wallflower. :p

Yeah, there is NO way I could come up with 8 (I like John's 2nd list a lot! :))
(also looking forward to seeing John, and hopefully getting some hangout time this year.)

The one thing I can say about PP, especially the last few years, is that it seems like there is NO down time. Which is cool, in a way, because there is ALWAYS something to do, but it seems like I always am saying to myself "I should have spent more time hangin' with <insert name of person/group of people here>. I swear, if it wasn't so damned expensive in the area now, I'd book the whole freakin' week....As it is, I'll see the 8 of you sometime early Wed. afternoon! :heh: :headbang:
No way I'd even begin to make a list. There are so many.....well, hell, if there weren't so many old friends to see again (and new ones to make) at PPUSA, this "social" subforum wouldn't exist. :lol: