Which pickup is better for Opeth style distorsion?


May 7, 2008
Hellow to all :) I have a question and hope someone can help.
My friend has Schecter C-7 Jeff Loomis 7 string guitar and he plays mostly Opeth. He doesn't like Emg 707 for that reason and he asked me, which pickup is better for opethish distorsion, when playing with clear distorsion and can get very articulate distorted chords with every string separated sound, without mudiness. I suggested him something passive like Duncan Distorsion7 or Invader7 and maybe JB7, but I am not sure. Can anyone suggest something right? Also I want to say, that he is playing mesa triple rec through 4x12 vintage 30 cab, if it does matter. :)
anything Seymour duncan, JB or Custom, BUT, it is pretty boomy/muddy for rhytms in my Ibanez RG1527 (basswood body)

you friend should try the Diamond C-7 Blackjack with the JB/59 in it.
he'll hear how a Schecter 7 sounds with SD. The Loomis is a very good guitar, the wood is ash, it should sound great.
Hellow to all :) I have a question and hope someone can help.
My friend has Schecter C-7 Jeff Loomis 7 string guitar and he plays mostly Opeth. He doesn't like Emg 707 for that reason and he asked me, which pickup is better for opethish distorsion, when playing with clear distorsion and can get very articulate distorted chords with every string separated sound, without mudiness. I suggested him something passive like Duncan Distorsion7 or Invader7 and maybe JB7, but I am not sure. Can anyone suggest something right? Also I want to say, that he is playing mesa triple rec through 4x12 vintage 30 cab, if it does matter. :)

I asked a similar question when buying my Bare Knuckle. Tim (Mills, BKP owner) said that for the Roundhouse Tapes (what I used as reference) tone a Nailbomb would 'nail' it. ahem. And it does. Quite dynamic and organic sounding with lots of crunch. Probably not so wallet-friendly if you are in the States though.
Thanks much for the answers :)

JBroll - Interesting why JB and not Distorsion, what is the difference ?
Thanks much for the answers :)

JBroll - Interesting why JB and not Distorsion, what is the difference ?

They're voiced differently. The JB is more of a classic middy crunch while the Distortion is brighter, tighter, more aggressive and modern.
Unless you have the same rig as him and the same guitar--the pickup might not make things closer to him

What I mean is....The JB is a bit muddy on the low strings. If *your rig is muddy it will just make it worse. If your rig is cold and crisp on the lowend it will definitely make it better.

So I would think carfeully what the difference is between his sound and yours and then buy accordingly. If your muddier..get something tighter..if your colder..get the JB. Using his pickup may actually get you further away from his sound if you dont take Your current sound into account
I never had an issue with the JB, but in my experience the Distortion's tighter on the bottom end. Seems like a hotter output, too, but it's been a few years since I've had either in any of my guitars. It's probably just the alnico vs. ceramic thing...