which reverb plugin for drums?


Jul 16, 2014

I'm searching for a good reverb plugin to create a nice drum room sound and a nice plate for snare. I used epic verb and some irs but I want to try out something new. Free stuff is ok but I can spend 150 $ for a good plugin. It's just for metalcore and other core stuff. So what are you using today and why are you using them?
Valhalla Room for natural-sounding stuff, Valhalla Vintage Verb for more obvious, vibey sounds. $50 each and the company never changes its prices. I also have the Scarlett plugin suite, and the reverb included is rather nice, though you can't modify the sound of the verb as much as I would like.
What DAW are you using? I know Andy and Colin Richardson frequently use just the standard D-verb that comes with Pro Tools. And their drums always sound huge.
I did a shootout with a load of reverb plugins on a recent project. Never really cared too much about reverb before but I ended up using Valhalla to create a fake room track since the engineer never recorded a room track, also liked Lexicon reverb plugin on snare.
Thank you guys. I'll check out freeverb2 (because it is free) and valhalla first. Valhalla seems to be very popular here. I'm using reaper and the reverb plugin sounds very unnatural to me. What about convolution reverb? Sir crashes reaper and I don't know why... maybe it is because it is only 32 bit
Thank you guys. I'll check out freeverb2 (because it is free) and valhalla first. Valhalla seems to be very popular here. I'm using reaper and the reverb plugin sounds very unnatural to me. What about convolution reverb? Sir crashes reaper and I don't know why... maybe it is because it is only 32 bit

Use ReaVerb as an impulse loader, works fine for me atleast, I use Lexicon 480L and Bricasti M7 IR's mainly with it.
really? try room 1, medium, set decay anywhere from 1.5 to 2ms

I usually set decay to 1.6ms, predelay to 20/30ms (11 o'clock.. can't remember exactly now) and use hall.
It's years I use it and I'm not getting that great full sound as them, if I push it too much it gets muddy.
Another trick I discovered is to play on the mids of the snare track to get more "wet" sound. Still it doesn't sound as want it
I'll try your settings
Its a total CPU hog but I love Nebula for verb programs. The vnxt plates are worth the hassle of using that stupid plugin to me. There are some other great verb programs for it too but I'm not at home to look and see which ones I like. The other cool thing about going the nebula route is that you could use it for its great eq programs and other stuff.
Both Valhalla plugins here mentioned, the Lexicon plugins and the old Briscati impulses are my go-to verbs of choice.
I tried Valhalla room, didn't really like it because I couldn't modify it well.
I tend to use Lexicon reverb, the rooms are great (they have some great studio impulses).
Sometimes I use ReaVerb to load Bricasti impulses.