which reverb plugin for drums?

just 2 cents here but ir. sirII. there are sites where you can get free ir from many great pieces of gear... and then ir from natural rooms.
sirII is very easy to use, comes with some ok irs and is in your price range.

all kinds of eventide and lexicon here (and legit afa I can tell)

This is what I like anyway.
I love valhalla vintage but I get a bit bored using it all the time. uad emt140 is my current favourite, always sits in well. for drums I tend to go quite short on vintage. the fake thing it does is nice but I get bored of it quite quick too. ambience or smooth plate on now mode and 0.8s ish decay and adjusting the attack is cool for me. always cutting everything above 3k too.
^ glenn fricker inspired you?

I like softube TSAR-1 ...not bad at all
I was using VoS stuff, including epicVerb for a long time, but they are 32-bit only and I had several problems with randomly resetting the plugin's settings upon opening Reaper project. Maybe it's Reaper's bridging problem, maybe it's the plugin - I decided to switch to something else anyway.
Personally, most of the time, if I need reverb on my drums, I'll use my Axe-Fx II as a piece of outboard gear. It has some of the best reverbs I have ever heard.
Curious, apologies first for the hijacking this thread, but how would one choose reverb impulses over plugin ones? Is it the same case of guitar amp sims where impulses sounds more 'realistic' as compared to stock plugin cabs?

impulses usually always sound much worse to me, but I'm really not a fan of impulse reverbs. some people swear by them and that's fine. the tails always just sound nasty and static to me, as if the sounds just getting quieter rather than decaying like it would in a room. guitar cab impulses are essentially just EQ curves, they'll always struggle on non linear behaviours like you'd get on a real cab.