Which rockstar are you?

damn we tony iommis' need to bind together to rid the world of the alice coopers, the dimbag darrells and the rest so we CAN REIGN SUPREME!!!!!!!!!
MTLHEAD_789 said:
damn we tony iommis' need to bind together to rid the world of the alice coopers, the dimbag darrells and the rest so we CAN REIGN SUPREME!!!!!!!!!

You Can't kill Alice Cooper! He's been hung, beheaded and electrocuted yet he STILL comes back.:worship: We're here to stay!:grin:
I just have a vision a Tony Iommi/Alice Cooper album, wouldn't that be cool?

Wolf - 'In The Eyes Of The Sun'
Tommy Lee....
You are sexy but you drink way too much, a hothead, and well need to control yourself a little more, I'd think. Anger management?

why don't they have girls? :Smug: