Which rockstar are you like?

Heavenscent said:
I'm teh tr003st:

Gavin Harper....
You are ugly, obnoxiously loud, anti-social, kinky, constantly wearing flags of your country, and most of all, you're a scottish cunt. GET IT UP YE!!!

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0.0001021% of people had this result.

CliffBurton said:
Kurt Cobain..
You have a horde of annoying overly-depressed-for-no-reason kids doing anything you say. You kiled metal with your boring guitar riffs and invented the singing style of 'mumbleing'. You made dirt and grease popular trends and killed yourself because your fans were idiots.

Cobain ''Killed Metal'' Stfu....u dont even know what the fuck you are talkin about. The guy was a brilliant songwriter, eventhough his guitar playing was quite crappy. Some songs are brilliant....I even say this as a ''metalhead''
U are a lamer
Tony fucking Iommi. Awesome. Tony rules.

Lithium said:
Cobain ''Killed Metal'' Stfu....u dont even know what the fuck you are talkin about. The guy was a brilliant songwriter, eventhough his guitar playing was quite crappy. Some songs are brilliant....I even say this as a ''metalhead''
U are a lamer

Kurt Cobain ws the leader of the Grunge movement.
Grunge's popularity demolished metals influence.

Kurt Cobain Killed metal, suck my dick.
PanzerKunt said:
Where did you learn math?

I didn't. That's why I study English, so that I'm allowed to make fun of Scots AND English.
Sorry for missing a zero. I feel so ashamed. And i think i just crapped my pants. For no reason.
Dimebag Darrell....
You like to drink a lot, you are perverted, you like to play around with the opposite sex quite a bit and can be violent at times. You like it loud. Calm down with the barbarism, caveperson.

766 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 10406 times.
7% of people had this result.

:cry: I'm honored! :Spin:
Alice Cooper....
You come across as having a twisted creative mind and a liking for the dark. You are dark and mysterious. You also have a very strong moral outlook on life and are quite smart. Probably a good person with a wild side or a wild person with a good side. Either way. You can be entertaining without using substances either.

i get every day a different one :D:D
That was a nice quiz..

Alice Cooper.... You come across as having a twisted creative mind and a liking for the dark. You are dark and mysterious. You also have a very strong moral outlook on life and are quite smart. Probably a good person with a wild side or a wild person with a good side. Either way. You can be entertaining without using substances either.