Which rockstar are you like?

Joan Jett....
You are tought, brutal, no nonsense, and sexy. You aren't afraid to get in someone's face.

Eddie Van Halen....
You are talented, out there, social, flamboyant, hyper, and full of energy.
Dimebag Darrell....
You like to drink a lot, you are perverted, you like to play around with the opposite sex quite a bit and can be violent at times. You like it loud. Calm down with the barbarism, caveperson.
Tony Iommi....
You are very calm and dark but you can be quite witty and amusing.
Kurt Cobain....
You are a very depressed person but yet you can create good things through your talent. However you don't realize how talented you are. Good possibility you do drugs such as weed.

Im not a depressed person, but i do alot of weed..