Which rockstar are you like?

Bob Dylan....
You speak about social issues, but it's somewhat hard to understand you.

Jeje, true. Only one person understands me.
Tony Iommi
You are very calm and dark but you can be quite witty and amusing.

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23% of people had this result.
Alice Cooper....
You come across as having a twisted creative mind and a liking for the dark. You are dark and mysterious. You also have a very strong moral outlook on life and are quite smart. Probably a good person with a wild side or a wild person with a good side. Either way. You can be entertaining without using substances either.
Gene Simmons.... You are a playboy/playgirl obviously. You have
good business skills and are dramatic. Many
people for the opposite sex go for you but you
can never tell if it is because you have good
sex appeal or for your money.
Sisterofnight said:
Gene Simmons.... You are a playboy/playgirl obviously. You have
good business skills and are dramatic.Many
people for the opposite sex go for you but you
can never tell if it is because you have good
sex appeal or for your money.
I don't know about money cause I don't know you but, sex appeal you definately have a lot of honey.;)