Which Sample is Better?

Which sample is better?

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Year of the Phoenix! by the vocals, i think that Matt vocals here are just FUCKING INCREDIBLE AMAZING and wow, some really kick ass parts, the drums are really AWESOME!!

btw. I love Caramon's Poem fuckin' so much
What this poll is asking me to do is as equal to trying to split an atom with a machete during an earthquake after drinking 2 liters of ED.


Both songs are out of this world, but in different ways.
It was a pretty close call, but I think I liked Year of the Phoenix more, don't know why really, I guess it just caught on to me more :)
Caramon's poem.

Both are really great tracks, but i was more blown away by the vocals in this. it is something that matt has rarley or never sang like before. The same can go for YotF but not as much.
Not to mention the clean 'intro' is sweet.
I guess "Caramons Poem" by a nose hair. More of a groove and a bit more catchy of a tune. "Rise Of The Phoenix" is more straight up in your face, which is not a bad thing.
What this poll is asking me to do is as equal to trying to split an atom with a machete during an earthquake after drinking 2 liters of ED.


Both songs are out of this world, but in different ways.

Yeah, almost the same here... Since these songs are online I've not listened to anything else, they're so unbelievably great... and they're even getting better every other time I hear them, wow! Can't remember ever being overwhelmed that much... apart from meeting my girlfriend for the first time :)

I've voted for Year of the Phoenix just because Matt's vocals are a litte more incredible in this song... I especially like the changes between his "throaty" and his "clean" voice (hope these are the right words)! Don't know any other vocalist who can switch over from growling to singing clean melodies in that way! It's always a pleasure hearing his voice, just like it's a pleasure to hear PYRAMAZE :headbang: