Which shirt is cooler?


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Infinity1 owe me a shirt... should it be


Iron Maiden - Number of the beast


Megadeth - Peace Sells (Just got RIP shirt, it is awesome !:eek: , dunno if i should get another megadeth shirt though, plus the back is blank :err: )


Cradle of Filth - Blood Red (Midian) This is a COOL looking shirt... but i don't really wanna be one of the COF lackeys that are posers with thousands of cof shirts :err:

Make my decisions for me :D

I'm rootin' for the Iron Maiden shirt... because it's cool :D And i've only got a cheap IM shirt that i made into a wifebeater :lol:
hey, trapped. I'm Canadian, you're an aussie, we're practically brothers, so take my advice
choose Maiden because

1-COF are gay
2-maiden's NOTB song is the most 1337 awesome blackened NWOBHM song EVAR
4-666!!! how cool is that?!
5-COF are really gay
6-you'll look like a goth fag w/ a COF shirt
7- SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8-people usually look dumb in red shirts
9-blood-like font!!!!
10-the megadeth shirt is kinda bland
get the CoF one. if you were stranger on the street i would compliment that one, but the other 2 i wouldnt care at all. and seriously, who has a BRAND NEW number of the beast shirt? it makes you look like some kind of newbie or something. and it would be cool to have a red shirt becuase im sure the majority or yours are black anyway haha.
get the maiden one... since you already have a megadeth shirt. why do you people like the cof shirt so much. it is just the damn logo, that shirt is bland. go for maiden, long hair + maiden shirt = your getting laid

H aha... funnily enough, the thing i don't like about the maiden shirt is the back :lol:

I think i'll go with it though, maiden is teh cool.
yeh the back of the maiden shirt is lame as fuck. and im so sick of "yeh cof is gay" "fuck cof" "cof is for fags" yeh way to be original assholes. i wish you were here so i could kick you in the face. get off the cof hate bandwagon and then go fuck yourself.