Which Shure 57?

If you're asking that kind of question, chances are your ears aren't trained to the point where you would be able to tell a difference, and frankly, the mic position and rest of the signal chain has a lot more to do with the sound than what revision of the 57 you get - remember, this is a $90 mic we're talking about, not a $3000 Neumann with all sorts of aftermarket mods. Finally, 'best' is subjective. That said, most people won't have a problem using a newer 57, so my best response is to not go out of your way to get an older 57 because someone on gearslutz says its got more spicy flavor.

edit: I think I misread that.
No, by old and new I actually DID mean an older version of the 57 or the newer version. I said this because I've heard some people say that there's an older model (still a 57, but came out during specific years and I don't remember which) that sounds better. Is there a holy grail of 57's, or just hype?

Also, which is better, SM57 or Beta, and WHY? Which is the most used today by metal bands? The metal sounds I like are mostly newer stuff.

My ears are good enough, I can hear the difference between a lot of things that supposedly there is no difference between (lies!). But never mind me, if you were recording high gain metal guitar which one would you use?

I have an AT4050 and an SM58, I've used an SM57 extensively, but am wondering if the Beta is more appropriate for recording metal amps than the SM57?

Also, the name Audix i5 has popped up a few times, what do you guys think of that one?

Thanks for your responses.
That's anal. I guess gumplunger gave you the best answer. There's no "best" mic, only choices, tastes and skills.
i5 is pretty cool. Nice alternative to the 57 that does basically the same things. Always good to have that. Plus, it's in the same price range. Cheap! So I'd reccomend that.

Haven't heard good things about the beta but haven't had personal expierience with it. I think the normal SM57 is great for what you're doing.
it's all taste buddy.... i like to use a beta on snare top because of it's narower field of view (i found i gives less hi hat spill if positioned just right) For this same reason it makes a great live mic for guitar cabs

But personally i find the sm57 works better in the studio.... but it is all about placement.

best thing to do is.... see if you can borrow a few mics from a shop/friend and try them to see wich is your favorite with your set up...

hope thats of some use to you buddy

carl@laruso.com said:
it's all taste buddy.... i like to use a beta on snare top because of it's narower field of view (i found i gives less hi hat spill if positioned just right) For this same reason it makes a great live mic for guitar cabs

But personally i find the sm57 works better in the studio.... but it is all about placement.

best thing to do is.... see if you can borrow a few mics from a shop/friend and try them to see wich is your favorite with your set up...

hope thats of some use to you buddy


Thanks, I don't have access to a Beta 57 without buying one, but I've used a friends sm57 extensively, and I have a 58 as well.

Is there any danger with buying a used 57?
]=J=[ said:
Thanks, I don't have access to a Beta 57 without buying one, but I've used a friends sm57 extensively, and I have a 58 as well.

Is there any danger with buying a used 57?
It is famous for its durability, you'd have to beat up on one to make it non-functional, so you're probably alright buying a used one.