Which Threshold album has the best keyboard performance in your opinion?

I can't think of a "better" performance on album, simply because Richard has a constant(ly high) standard of performance. And that's not just him, by the way, otherwise we wouldn't hail each tHreshold release as a masterpiece or so! :D

With this said, I can only mention my favourite keyboard solo, which is the one on Angels.
I can't think of a "better" performance on album, simply because Richard has a constant(ly high) standard of performance. And that's not just him, by the way, otherwise we wouldn't hail each tHreshold release as a masterpiece or so! :D

Ditto to that. It's very hard to pick one album because of the consistency of high quality output from album to album. Bah...I won't even bother trying to pick one album.
that's a difficult one...
I think maybe Clone, but it is difficult to say.

I have noticed that with progressive metal, more so with Threshold, because the different instruments fit in with each other and blend together so well to make the entire song, I don't always notice the individual instruments, but the music as a whole...which makes it more difficult to decide!

Apart from that, it depends on what you mean be the "best performance" :loco:

tricky one...