White Darkness?

I_AM_SAD_:( said:
Is there any ETA for the new Nightingale?

If it doesn't come out this year I'll probably hang myself :(
Dag told me possibly this fall when I met him last winter, but later Dan said probably not until 2007. So, we'll just have to wait and see, I guess... Unless any of the guys in the band have some updated news on it...
There hasn't been a blog on the Nightingale site in awhile. Last we heard they were in the studio making the album and it was moving right along, new blog every few days, etc. Hopefully we've stopped hearing about it b/c they're working so hard on it and don't have time. :)
The current state is this....
Working on lyrics. I wrote almost all of the "White Darkness" lyrix yesterday. I also finished "Fields Of Life" on the lunchbreak the other day...good stuff.
Erik have been productive with 3 lyrics and Tom Björn is working on a lyric for his one....teamwork. I have begun to sort out which keyboards from the demos that will make it onto the album and stuff like that...sound good and big!!!
Dan Swanö said:
sounds good and big!!!

After listening to the radio show you hosted, my sister and I have concluded that you love the phrases "big", "epic", and "pure classic"... which, considering the pieces of music you applied those words to, means that this album is going to be VERY BIG, VERY EPIC & a PURE CLASSIC :kickass:
sounds great....I´m soooo curious about white darkness and how it´s going to be.....big expactations here :headbang:. But I don´t think the album will get me dissappointed you know....

Demilich said:
i don't like the name of the album. dan, will you accept money in exchange for changing it? or, in a pinch, manlove? :loco:
The name has little consequence at this point. Maybe the title will have a greater meaning when you read the lyrics? Either way, it's cooler than "Eaten." :lol:
There will be a lengthy explanation what White Darkness means in the booklet. Sorry if u don´t like the title... I think it´s cool.

I really like the title "white darkness". It sounds like it will rock and that there are some "deeeep and sensitive" lyrics so to speak. The title is really a reson for me why i have big expactations you know....otherwhise I just love Nightingale as a band. We wait and see but I don´t think Swano & company will let me down :headbang:

botten upp....!:kickass:
I don't mind the title either. I've heard much worse. White Darkness is kind of easy to remember and say. It's a great contradictional title that we can interpret in many ways.