Who all...

Nope, not that I've seen.

Ok, I've gotten over my guilt. Time for a shameless plug for the band website.


I know it isn't much. I had to do it myself and host it myself :P And the songs don't have vocals at the moment, as it says. But still! tell me what you think, please.
Yeah, there's a javascript menu up top to navigate with. Maybe you have javascript disabled on your computer?
Originally posted by stargazer
C'mon guys.. why don't you just welcome Caught On Fire instead of talking about him ;)

the big man is right, its just he appeared and just went after a few minutes. i guess we just couldnt take the pace at the time :lol:

anyway, i hope u join in next time "caught on fire" welcome to my second home :lol:
oh yeh neal is the drummer in a punk band, oh yeh its true. but me and my buddy are gonna get some metal goin pretty soon. and i will move out from behind the drums to guitar or keyboards. or possibly give my death metal screaming its public debut.
yeh kinda with the trebble in there. kinda blackish. like tomas lindberg in SOTS kinda style. kinda like skyfire too i suppose. its my favorite kind. i dont liek the cannibal corpse thye shit.
ok i get it now. i thought you meant you hate skyfire style vocals. but yeh i dont like 'brutal death' vocals. they wreck the music for me.
TrueBeliever, you're the god! "E-r-a-m-a-a-j-a-r-v-i" !!!! YAY!!

Uhm, to the original topic. I'm in a band - not just one.
The primary one, Cornix Nigra, plays whatever we feel we want to play. So in the end it's a mix of every type of metal and some classical things and rock.

The other one, Broken Hourglass...same story, whatever we feel like playing. But we'll see how that goes...

And then there's this forum band... (see post above by Mothernorth)
lead guitar. and...barry white style vocals! I sound like a clown being trampled by an elephant, I guarantee I'll add character to your band.
Ok. so now we have 2 lead guitarist.... very good!!!!!!!!

How do you think the Barry White's voice can fit in a black metal band???? Explain you idea, it could be very interesting...
ok, so we have many ppl. already, who will all be thirsty before the show due to excitement and after the show due to exhaustion and during the show a thirsty busdriver :p I think I'm gonna sign a hypermarket contract, maybe I get even more cash discount :lol:

How about songs about angels being ripped into tiny little pieces and the little pieces being stomped on?