Who all...

I'm sure she's just hiding it.

But if you want something "fresh and crisp and new", we can write about angels who get rotten but their bones stay crunchy and someone comes and eats them and then you hear their bones crisp.... :rolleyes:
I like Shmeirs idea......or perhaps a song of "Through the Eyes of a dead Angel/Rabbit" twould be about an angel who could transform into a rabbit, but the rabbit runs off to capture the queen, only finding there is a ransom. When he turns her in, it was all a trap and the sheriff kills the rabbit, who was thus an angel and is now dead..........

I could have a sworn I replied to a thread just like this so I'm feeling like I'm annoying people now :)
But I will do it anyway! hehe

I play in a few bands.
Aghora - http://www.aghora.org/
This is a progressive metal type band with some death/jazz/pop/hindu elements.

Mendacity - http://www.angelfire.com/me/mendacity/
It's pretty much defunct now. It was kinda straight forward death metal and we did a few different things towards the end.

Para - http://www.para.i8.com/
The band that killed Mendacity hehe. Mostly alternative sounding metal sorta. Dunno how to describe it.

The Unamed band! http://www.angelfire.com/me/mendacity/images/testvox3.mp3
All I got is this extremely rough sample of a project/band that I'm gonna do a demo for with the Mendacity drummer. And we don't even have a name yet :) I don't think this sample does the music we're gonna create justice, but at least you get a little flavour I suppose.

Ok that's all! :spin: