Who are todays generation of heavy metal guitar heroes?

Emppu Vuorinen (I would love to meet him)
One of the most Humble and gracious and funny people you could ever meet. The first time we met him in 2004 my daughter sat next to him for a photo, the first thing he said to her was "Excuse me, but i smell and i am all wet"
Really nice playing Chris! I hear lots of Vai in your phrasing and I dig it! Thanks for posting!

Thanks so much. The song started off as me poking fun at the Vai-isms of a guy I know (the working title Vai Clone became Velvet Claws), but before I knew it I had a melody I liked, double-tracked it for some Vai-ish goodness, and then took it through a few twists and bends with the country stuff!
John Petrucci
Michael Romeo
Chris Broderick
Marc Pattison - Yeah, he is in my band and I may be biased, but I have heard what he can do. Holy shit the guy can really play. He did 9 solo albums before forming Futures End with me and his body of work is incredible.
Al Pitrelli - I know a lot of people will argue this, but he has style and attitude that is totally in your face
Eric Barnett - He is a guitarist in an instrumental band called Points North. He was voted one of the top 10 best in Guitar Player Magazine's Guitar Superstar contest in 2008. Not really a metal player, but a monster shredder nonetheless.
Danny Vargas - Danny is the guitarist for Magistral and pretty much blows away nearly everyone in the genre. Good GOD he can play!

No arguments on Al Pitrelli. He was fucking amazing while he was with Savatage, and his work with Megadeth wasn't too shabby either!