Who are you voting for?

Who gets your vote?

  • Bush

    Votes: 18 34.6%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 19 36.5%
  • Nader

    Votes: 3 5.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 23.1%

  • Total voters
I'm voting for Bush.
Hes got the economy up and running.
World wide terrorist actitivity is at its lowest point in 20 years.
We have had the best quarter of industrial growth in 25 years under Bush.

If you buy in to the bullshit movie Fahrenheit 9/11 your just a fool. The discrepances are allready coming out. I honestly dont know how people can think about the issues and side with Kerry. That fucker doesn't even know where he stands on the issues but you agree with it?

"I Voted For The 87 Billion BEFORE I Voted Against It"

dear God...do I need to say more?
I'm voting for Bush next time around too. I think he is doing a good job with national security and the economy. I do have a problem with his out of control spending though but maybe after reelection he'll do better.

As far as the Howard Stern thing, that stems from the whole p.c. crap that started back in the 90's or so. Wait a minute, I think it started with the P.M.R.C. didn't it? It's amazing how one asswipe says they are offended and shit like that happens. People are just too damn sensitive these days and the majority of us will suffer because a few whine, cry, and bitch. I have a question? If I am offended by offended people, do I offend myself??

No child left behind, good Idea if half the students actually gave a shit to learn.
I think Bush is one of the worst presidents in the entire history of the United States and I could care less of his party affiliation. i have never hated a public official more than him. I have ZERO respect for him just like he has ZERO respect for people too. His staff is just awful too. Asscroft, Rumsfeld, awful!!!! THey all make me want to :puke:
johnnieCzech said:
We have some fucking election to European Parliament next week.
I´m curious about your Prez votez too, my fellow Americans.

Yeah, I think the US election´s gonna be a tight run. And for our own EP election it seems that the neo-liberals/conservatives and socialdemocrats will have the most votes because they get the ads in the newspapers and the interviews in TV. I really dislike both of the leaders for those parties.
One thing Reagan's death has reminded me is how awful Bush is. I disagreed with many of Reagan's ideas, but he was never an embarrassment to this country like Bush is. Iraq would never be in the situation its in if Reagan had been there. Reagan did a lot of good things, and some things I didn't like at all (sending Scalia to the Supreme Court for example), but I totally respected him. I have zero respect for Bush. He's a redneck buffoon from Texas who's policies are so far out of whack it's not even funny.
R.I.P. Reagan, and vote Kerry in November!
My vote goes to John Bush, not that George moron. Being Canadian, I am voting for Paul Martin, not because he's the best candidate, but simply because he's got the best chance of beating Harper, who I definately don't want to see PM. But if I could vote in the American polls, I'd do whatever I could to prevent Dubya from getting a second term :shudder:
Cincy Vigilante said:
World wide terrorist actitivity is at its lowest point in 20 years.
What?!? Bush has poured gasoline on an open fire. Anti-American sentiment appears to be at an all-time high around the globe. Not only is the "War on Terror" an impossible battle, the more Bush tries to fight it, the more he brings out more suicide bombers willing to take their life just to wipe out a few Americans.
So, what you're saying is, if America would simply do nothing the terrorism would stop? Tell me, when Clinton was president and the terrorists tried bombing the WTC and bombed the USS Cole, what exactly did America do to deserve this?
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
Look at all the votes for Bush, How sad.

^ my point exactly. the fucking douche is...well, a douche. hes in iraq right? i think its $87 billion he commited. oil prices are rising a LOT (gee, i wonder why). we were in debt when he came into office. and what the fuck does the douche do? HE FUCKING CUTS TAXES! WHAT A DUMBASS!
why would ANY of you vote for bush? unless you're antigay marriage, at which point just stfu.

and how is world wide terrorist activity at it's lowest point? the terrorism activity flared up exactly when bush came into office. the wtc was bombed when he was in office, and that counts for like ALL terrorist activity. then spain, and that happened cuz of his goddamn war on terror, which apparently isnt working.
This is from the Department of State web site

There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003, a slight decrease from the 198 attacks that occurred in 2002, and a drop of 45 percent from the level in 2001 of 346 attacks. The figure in 2003 represents the lowest annual total of international terrorist attacks since 1969.

A total of 307 persons were killed in the attacks of 2003, far fewer than the 725 killed during 2002. A total of 1,593 persons were wounded in the attacks that occurred in 2003, down from 2,013 persons wounded the year before. In 2003, the highest number of attacks (70) and the highest casualty count (159 persons dead and 951 wounded) occurred in Asia.

Pull your heads out of Dan Rathers and Michael Moores ass and you will discover all kinds of shit out. The liberal media won't tell you about this or the economic recovery because A, they are bed wetters and want to support their liberal agenda and B, bad news sells better than good news.
I am voting for Bush for many reasons.
1. I LOVE tax cuts. I pay to much of my money in taxes as it is. I'll take a 300 tax cut all day long. When dems are talking about "they are only for the rich" well by rich they mean a family that makes 90 grand a year. well that aint rich my friend. The top 25% of income earners pay 82.9 percent of taxes the bottom 50 percent of wage earners pay 4 percent of the taxes. But think about it, if the taxes to P&G go up who pays really? The company? No, they are not going to cut profits they will raise the price of Tide to us in order to cover the cost of more taxes. So I'm all for tax cuts for those who pay taxes.
2. In the war on terrorism I would rather be proactive than reactive.
3. I am not a fan of abortion. In the case or rape or incest or saving the mothers life is the only exception.
4. I think he stands by his beliefs and makes choices based on what he thinks the best thing to do is.
So tell me, why are you voting for Kerry?
coolsnow7 said:
we were in debt when he came into office. and what the fuck does the douche do? HE FUCKING CUTS TAXES! WHAT A DUMBASS!
why would ANY of you vote for bush?
He cut taxes to stimulate the economy after its downturn towards the end of the Clinton Administration. I don't think it's a dumb move at all, but again, that's because I like more money in my pocket I guess, so I guess I am biased.:)
coolsnow7 said:
I have an Idea, why don't you and the others like you figure out what your taxes would be if not for the last couple of tax cuts and send that money to those of us who like keeping more of our own money. I hate that lame ass "tax cuts for the rich" chant every time a tax cut takes place. Do the math, of course those who make more end up keeping more because they pay more taxes to begin with. I say we should go to a flat tax anyway, it would be a lot easier come tax time.
Cincy Vigilante said:
This is from the Department of State web site

There were 190 acts of international terrorism in 2003, a slight decrease from the 198 attacks that occurred in 2002, and a drop of 45 percent from the level in 2001 of 346 attacks. The figure in 2003 represents the lowest annual total of international terrorist attacks since 1969.

A total of 307 persons were killed in the attacks of 2003, far fewer than the 725 killed during 2002. A total of 1,593 persons were wounded in the attacks that occurred in 2003, down from 2,013 persons wounded the year before. In 2003, the highest number of attacks (70) and the highest casualty count (159 persons dead and 951 wounded) occurred in Asia.

Pull your heads out of Dan Rathers and Michael Moores ass and you will discover all kinds of shit out. The liberal media won't tell you about this or the economic recovery because A, they are bed wetters and want to support their liberal agenda and B, bad news sells better than good news.
I am voting for Bush for many reasons.
1. I LOVE tax cuts. I pay to much of my money in taxes as it is. I'll take a 300 tax cut all day long. When dems are talking about "they are only for the rich" well by rich they mean a family that makes 90 grand a year. well that aint rich my friend. The top 25% of income earners pay 82.9 percent of taxes the bottom 50 percent of wage earners pay 4 percent of the taxes. But think about it, if the taxes to P&G go up who pays really? The company? No, they are not going to cut profits they will raise the price of Tide to us in order to cover the cost of more taxes. So I'm all for tax cuts for those who pay taxes.
2. In the war on terrorism I would rather be proactive than reactive.
3. I am not a fan of abortion. In the case or rape or incest or saving the mothers life is the only exception.
4. I think he stands by his beliefs and makes choices based on what he thinks the best thing to do is.
So tell me, why are you voting for Kerry?
I really don't see how the numbers here are remotely possible when every time there's a bombing in Iraq of our soldiers President Shithead and his staff call it a terrorist act. That means approximately (I'm guessing) 200-400 people, according to their interpretations, have died to terrorists in that conflict alone.

Bush administration policies in the war on terrorism actually increased anti-U.S. sentiment and has mobilized terrorists. Terrorism will continue to rise over time. Only it didn't used to be nearly as focused against the U.S. as it is now. The extremists now have a new focus, allowing radical groups to widen their appeal among Muslims and others. Every day there is some sort of terrorism alert all over the world--just not always in the U.S or always 100% directed towards us.

i am hoping Kerry can solidify our place in the world again to the point where everything we do will not be questioned and maybe our President won't be physically threatened and protested by thousands upon thousands of people everywhere he goes. The "Liberal' media doesn't dwell on that all that much either, now do they! It's fine to be "feared" if you believe that we are, but it's going to take working with other countries on various issues to keep us going in the long run. Fear won't work forever. Just ask Saddam or the old Russians.

Jdelpi is right too--cut taxes AND cut back spending. Because they did not cut spending and DID cut funding to states, as you know, Ohio has since raised its state sales tax 1% in every county and in my area, almost all of the cities have increased their local taxes. Net result: zero for me as far as I can tell and I am pretty certain I am actually slightly worse off. Now, I am sure people in FLorida or Nevada that have no state taxes and/or people with no or limited local taxes are better off than me.

Furthermore, GOd is apparently helping to run our country and I am a strong believer in seperation of Church and State, as intended by our founding fathers. Bush does not share my belief in this. He actually supports amending the Constittuion to promote his personal religious beliefs. I have an idea: FUCK YOU! KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF THE CONSTITUTION NITWIT! This administration is against things they don't like or find objectionable and they ALSO use a complete moron like Ashcroft to attack things they don't like like, oh my gosh, porn! Oh my, porn is soooo evil. I guarantee you, if they could, this bunch would go after bands like ANthrax and SLayer in a second if they thought they could. How can they "use such evil symbols such as pentagrams." Oh no!

I could go on and get into other things, but I have said enough. We share a great interest in one great and beautiful thing: ANTHRAX! So, I do not want to let this thing degrade too far. Back to work I go!