who do metals heads cry so much?

Sep 16, 2004
so why do metalheads whine and cry so much when they don't like something a band does? case in point is Metallica. I can get uber-fanboyish on thew subject, not because i worship them or for any special reason. But they were a big influence on me when i first picked up a guitar. i spent hours of my life as a teen practicing to metallica albums, and now i'm constantly surround by musicians bitching and crying about them selling out, wussing out, etc...

I'm not looking for a metallica debate, but if people don't like a record why do they start calling the band shit? If people don't like load, the black album or St. anger, why do they shit talk the band?

when a metalhead doesn't like a song he/she acts like the band personally stuck a knife in their back?

i read an online essay on "selling out" that some guy wrote, where he said when he first heard "nothing else matters" he started to cry because his favorite band had sold out. so who's more of a pussy? the band or the guy that cries becasue he didn't like something they did?

if you don't like a record why act like you were done an injustice?

I can't figure out who whines more: Metallica purists or chris crocker....
Because many people have an emotional bonding to the music and therefore the artist, too. Our relationship to their products is way different than to - for example - convenience goods.

And that's far from being a phenomenon that only applies to metal. A metalhead is just more likely to complain than the average radio pop-music listener because he has a different connection to the music in most cases (if it's a devoted fan). But you could see the same thing happening with jazz or blues purists.
Because many people have an emotional bonding to the music...

...especially metal heads who don't like to admit that it 'hurts' (lack of a better word) that something they once loved turned into something they don't love and to cover up their emotion ('cuz it's not metal) they start throwing insults.

...or because I'm no psyc' i could also be talking complete shit.
Well it definitely is "easier" for us males to be angry than to admit we're hurting, because hurting shows vulnerability - but let's face it, all anger comes from feeling vulnerable and attacked, it just depends how much we're willing to recognize that.

As for why I get so pissed at, say, Dream Theater for their modern music, it's really just a feeling of frustration - I loved their old stuff, and I can't stand the new, and it saddens me that a band I loved is playing stuff I don't. I suppose betrayal wouldn't be an inaccurate word, but I hesitate to use it because who the fuck am I? I'm just some guy who listens to these guys who have no idea who I am, so saying that they betrayed me would be a bit of a stretch cuz it's not like they're making the music for me (ideally, anyway) - they're making it for themselves.
Bunch of wankers, I say. That's why you start your own bloody band and quit jacking off to records that are older than you are, I say. Some intelligent analysis is worthwhile, but most of the band-bashing stuff just turns into masturbation... go bitch about Trivium already.

Also don't forget Metallica not only changed their sound, they distanced themselves from their past. They heavily criticized some of their old sound, especially AJFA as well as their roots and fellow metal bands, not to mention a bunch of other stuff. I agree it's lame to whine about musical changes, but harping on Metallica is an exception. They didn't just change, they sold out on everything they had come from.

To be honest, I kind of dig Metallica's newer shit. They are, and always will be, top tiered songwriters. However, I will never support them and if I one day randomly bump into J Hetfield, who was my hero at one point, I wouldn't even talk to him.

I mean, they're not even a fkn metal band anyway, so doesn't that mean their fans aren't metalheads??

PS that was my 18 year old self venting
I agree it's kind of lame to be a winey bitch when a band evolves.

While I agree that one shouldn't throw a bitch fit when a band switches up a few things, I will quote Henry Rollins here:

"A lot of bands these days are starting to "evolve" which means their albums suck..."

If you don't like what a band has decided to do on a particular record, don't buy it. I know I didn't buy Megadeth's risk and I sold back St. Tragedy. If a band you love pulls a Metallica, cut'em loose. I'm giving them 1 more chance only because of Rick Rubin. If the album still sucks, fuck'em.:puke:
But if bands don't "evolve" and just do what they've always done, they're considered stale, boring and just reaping on past glories (etc.).
So what can a band do? Quit after their biggest hit! :heh:

(Just feeding the flames.. carry on!)

Actually, I've given some bands a few second chances, but if I've been dissappointed, I've just moved on. As years go by, my tastes - and certainly bands' - change. Sometimes they move in the same direction and sometimes not. Blind Guardian comes to my mind now as a good example. I'm going to listen with a very critical ear to their next album before buying it.
waitaminute...who's crying and acting like they were done an injustice? I'm getting confused here. Are we talking about Metallica bashers or their defenders? Please advise.
Blind Guardian comes to my mind now as a good example. I'm going to listen with a very critical ear to their next album before buying it.

Really? I absolutely loved "A Twist in the Myth" and "Night at the Opera," way more than "Nightfall" or "Tales from the Twilight World" (haven't heard any others)
I really wanted to like those albums, and they do have their moments, but still... :erk: If only they wouldn't be stuffed full... I don't know.. maybe this is a case of not going past the production into the songs?
Oh, well Blind Guardian. I really like "Somewhere Far Beyond", very good speed metal, but most of their recent stuff is a bit to pompous for me.
Hmm, where you hear "pompous," I hear "interesting," "creative," and "more rewarding with each listen." As a result, thrash/speed are my least favorite kinds of metal :heh: