Who drew the "O" symbol in Opeth's title?

O HOW I INSULT THE GOD OF METAL...!!!!!.....i deserve banning.....offcours everythign Mikey does im supposed to LOVE unconditionally......hahahaha....pffftt......!!!!..PEAC EOUT

you need to be banned again because you're an illiterate retard, not because anyone actually considers the content of your posts
Yeah the new logo is far & away the best.

Very creative & original.

What's with all the Waz bashing. Get a life
Here ya go waz

This one is Mikael's design:

This is by Danken (and it's the first design):

Mikael's one is alright, though it doesn't have the feel of Opeth. the second one is just shit ugly.
gad you annoy the fuck out of me. With your shit spelling and at least four periods between each fucking sentence, and your shit posts... seriously, ban again

I wonder what he's like in real life... :rolleyes:
i dont know if anyone else has noticed this,but a funny thing is that the peth-letters in the logo has the same lettertype as the harry potter logo :D
I was trying to google any info on Timo Ketola, the only thing I found was some old interview (actually Timo Ketola interviewing Mikael right before MAYH!!). Not sure if this is the same Timo Ketola though....
If anyone has any link of his works (I hope he did some other stuff) post it here!

LOL! Timo Ketola is just one of those common names like john smith:)