Who gets the last word in?

What's Belgium like then Black Core. And actually where is it, is it between Germany and Switzerland and what language do you speak there. I'm afraid I don't know anything about it at all apart from the fact that youse make lovely chocolate:D
haha yeah,the chocolate is good lol
A little bit of Geography than, it's between Germany, France and the netherlands, we speak dutch (dat is dus deze taal, als je me begrijpt) but than in many dialects. We also have great beer, a couple of nice scandals (is this how it is spelled???) and a lot of other things not worth mentioning :p
Yes scandals is spelt correctly lol. I know the scandals, the kids in the basement, it was on the news all the time here. Shocking stuff. I love the Belgium chocolate and could quite happily eat it every day but then I would end up the size of Tubbs!!!!!! Is it Stella Artois beer you make there. I was in Germany once, Koblenz, it was fantastic. Went on a boat trip down the Rhine, it was superb. Some great castles there as well and everyone is so very friendly. I will go back there again one day. Loved it.
Yeah, the dude who held the kids is Dutroux, he had escaped from jail and was then sleeping during his trial (I think he ran to much to escape lol)
I love Stella, but you have to try Palm, it's ten times as good. Never been to Germany though, not really my kind of country

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