Who gets the last word in?

I've never really fancied visiting Sweden, Norway or Finland at all - it just looks too freezing over there. I'd love to go to Germany again and it was a place I never fancied visiting until I went on holiday and it was amazing. I'd like to go to Belgium as well for lots and lots of chocolate and to see Black Core as well:D

Places I'd love to visit would be Goa, that looks sensational and hopefully I will go there within the next 2 years. Also Australia & NZ, USA & Canada and The Algarve. And Prague. Oh and Paris and Amsterdam - looks like I need to win the lottery eh lol!!!!
Tubbs Mcgee said:
That's because Sweden > USA
Well that is true :p
But you gotta remember, Sweden has high taxes, immigration problems, crappy TV-shows and is far from a metal paradise which I have heard some people call it.
But other then that it rocks :headbang:
cookiecutter said:
Sweden beat the USA in hockey though :cry:
I know, the usa keeps losing. Theyre not going to make it too the medal round.

on a different note i was born in germany, so therefore germany> sweden
Maybe you can crush me by lying on top of me, but I would run away, and cuz you're fat, you'll try to run after me but then you'll get an astma attack and die so in the end I STILL PWN YOU!!!

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