I have a RME fireface 800.. and an Audient ASP008 ADAT preamp.. pretty decent stuff on the recording end.. Mics I've been using for years are Royer 121, SM57, MD421.. all that normal stuff for guitars.. Amps are 5150, mesa boogie triple recto with voodoo amp mod. Cabs are Mesa V30 4x12, avatar with Gt75's and V30's and a marshall cab with Gt75's and greenbacks.. Okay now I'm loving my mix until the guitar goes in. it just sounds like harsh mids and takes up too much space. Anyone else dealing with that? I'm gonna blame it on the fact that maybe I need an avalon or chandler preamp.. its just not sitting right. GAH!!!! Also. the stereo image of panned rythem guitars is complete crap!