Who has seen Type O Negative Live?

I know my spelling is a bit bad, but the funny thing is that I dont know where my spelling goes bad I can just sence that something is wrong...:)

I am actually quite lucky with getting stuff at koncerts, But nothing will ever beat my Nicko Mc... drumstick witch I got at the Virtual (Iron M) tour. My friend and I both got a hand to it but who got it...I did!, and just for the record, It was not a new stick (like those u can buy through their homepage) but a heavyly used one.....
april 4th, 2000, bronco bowl in dallas, along with coal chamber :-/....i didn't really even know who they were yet, so it was just a bunch of noise to me, at the time..
Yeah when I saw them Coal Chamber opened too, and Coal Chamber just sucked. It seemed like an eternity until their set was over. Their bass player just spun around in circles all nite. That's the only memorable part of Coal Chamber's show.
I was invited to go to a coal chamber show once. I vehemently opposed going, I was told that was somewhat unreasonable, they can't be that bad live, heh heh , I'm glad I never went if they really are that bad ;)
Stoner Sioux said:
Man, if any of you are in Germany this summer you can see Type O Negative and Opeth in the same show. Damn it, why cant' they do that here.

really? I haven't been to the Type O site for a while. Do you have a link for the tour dates?

I saw Opeth here in Sydney about a month ago - awesome show!
I saw them back in 93 on their first tour but have managed never to be in the same city they were playing in since. Shame on me. I'll try harder this year.