Who has the best member title...

I liked when a lot of people were still "Junior Member", "Member", or "Senior Member" awhile back, and a bunch of us had "Enlarged Member", "Flaccid Member", "Beating Member", etc.

I'm really glad you told me that coz I was planning a gag along those lines.

It would have been one of those 'why aren't you all laughing?' moments.

I like that one because I don't know what it mean.............it's ambigous(sp) and mysterious. Kind of like mine. No one knows what it mean.........:heh:
mine was originally going to be
"Professional Floccinaucinihilipilificationist"
but its too long, as usual :lol:
are you talking to me?
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the act of valuing something as worthless. its pronounced flossy-nossy-nee-hilly-pilli-fication
i like Oyo's too.. with the avatar :)

if you ask who has the best quote.. Hannu Mutanen has it! i love William Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell