Who here actually likes Iron Maiden?


Apostle of Blaze
Apr 19, 2001
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I'm not exactly a regular here, but, as a casual reader, it strikes me that this particular forum is something of a refuge for malcontents. That's fine, but I wonder how many of you actually enjoy Iron Maiden and support their work in the present. I personally do, and think the songs on DOD are good. I'm not going to rush out and declare it to be their best album ever becuase my opinion will certainly evolve over time. However, I've been a rather dedicated Maiden fan since the late 80's, and my initial reaction to DOD has been more much more immediately positive than its been to most of their releases since that time. It seems like one of their better albums to me.
Couldn't agree more man. Paschendale, Rainmaker, title track, Age of Innocence...all killer. I think a lot of people on this board just enjoy stirring shit up. It's in their nature.
I love Maiden - they were my fav band for years & are still in the Top3.

I think the new album is awesome - only one true filler track. With that being said, I wont simply lie to myself & claim that I like it as much as earlier stuff.
And I do feel that, more often that not, at least lately, Harris is doing more harm than good. Sure these records are awesome - but I salivate the idea of how MUCH BETTER they actually could have been.

Dishonesty with oneself is an utter shame.

Anyway, I rank recent Maiden tunes "Nomad" & "Paschendale" among the BEST they've ever done.
I am a Maiden fan since 1983.......albums I liked immediately were SSOASS, PS, and SIT.........DOD I don't really like so far. It just seems like such a backward step.
I'm hoping it grows on me, but at the moment it's just hard to listen to, for me. And I love this band.
Nightwing said:
DOD I don't really like so far. It just seems like such a backward step...at the moment it's just hard to listen to, for me.

I like the songs, but the production does make it a hard listen. At this point, I only enjoy it in my car, which has superb audio - better than my home unit.

If this record was recorded with the sound/production of "POM" or "Slave", it would be mesmerising - even with the dull intros & repeated choruses. The melody is still great!
DOD definately sounds better with headphones IMO. Why is there a sudden trend of releasing albums with bad production. Is it fashionable or something? Metallica, In flames, Nevermore, Iron Maiden and more all have had there last albums marred by flaws.
SoundMaster said:
I like the songs, but the production does make it a hard listen. At this point, I only enjoy it in my car, which has superb audio - better than my home unit.

If this record was recorded with the sound/production of "POM" or "Slave", it would be mesmerising - even with the dull intros & repeated choruses. The melody is still great!
Yeah, it sounds better in my car too.....very good six speaker system in there, and I find if you boost the tops a little, and filter out some of the mud, it's not bad.
I hate this attitude that's developing......"If you don't like DoD, then you're not a Maiden fan" - Baloney!!!!!
Rainking said:
I'm a maiden fan and I really like DoD.
Hello again!! And it is, of course, your right to like it, as it is mine to think of it as disappointing.........that attitude does exist around the net though.......it shits me, cos some of the guys who are saying that have only been alive as long as I've been listening to Maiden in some cases!!
Oh well.......
I think DoD has been recieved very well by the Maiden masses in general - better than any of the 90's releases and better even than BNW.
I've seen very few complaints to be honest, nothing like the bitchfest that occured when BNW came out. I'm quite surprised by the positive vibe people have with this album actually.
I like Maiden. I like DoD too. Hell, I even like the Blaze albums! :OMG:

No Prayer and Fear of the Dark are my least favorites, but they do have some good stuff as well. IMO Maiden has never released a bad album.
I love Maiden up to 7th Son, and DoD is a real return to form for them IMO, although BNW was good.
I agree with you though, this board seems to have a lot of people posting bullshit on it.
i'm a true-per (HAWHAW)

i've never known them chuck out a bad album, i sadly havnt got D.O.D yeh.. just ltd edition wildest dream vinyl but will get it soon.
Nightwing said:
What does that mean, exactly?
You mean people saying they don't like the album? That's 'bullshit'???

No, opinions on DoD are fine - this is a Maiden board. What I'm talking about is "JS's list of top females", "Duran Duran bassist is better than Steve Harris" " TP - fuck you" etc. What do these shitty threads have to do with Maiden? Fuck all - they are bullshit.