who is echonia?


and I looked up her skirt
May 26, 2001
Nashville, Tn.
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She is mentioned in lyrics from the Silent Enigma. When I did a search I just found references to Anathema. Then I did a search for Echonia Mythology and the only link was about Woman in Greek Mythology and it described her as a woman in an Anathema song.:err: I gave up at that point.
Bambi said:
vinnie shagged her I heard


Question: Who is Echonia?
Answer: A female mentioned in a song called "A Dying Wish" by Anethma.

yeah, right! Don't you know that ancient greece folk band Anathema!

They were the band of the gods. Some of their most famous songs were the above mentioned "A Dying Wish", "Eternity", "We, the Gods", "Far Away", "Wings of God" etc.