Who is getting the new Queensryche cd today?


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Well today July 22 is the day that the new Queensryche cd Tribe is being released. Although they have disappointed me with the last two albums I am gonna pick this one up. The reviews I have read are mixed but seem better than the previous two albums. Most of the reviews I have been reading average this cd about a 7 out of 10 which is good enough in my book. I saw Queensryche live on July 14 and they played one of their new songs called "Open" and I really dug it alot. Its too bad this band will never be what it was. They are still one of my favorite bands ever. Who else plans on picking the new one up? The album will be $11.99 at all Best Buy locations.
I downloaded, and listened to it once- I own all of their albums- but this one is the straw that broke the camel's back. I wouldnt buy this one, unless it was reduced to 99cents. I dont even think I'll bother to burn it.
I bought this album today and I actually like it. Its not amazing or great or anything but I can honestly say I don't think its bad. I am not the type to buy a new cd and stand up for it just because I bought it or force myself to like it. I bought St Anger and after a couple listens knew I just purchased the biggest waste of $13.99 ever (which really turned into an $8.99 waste because I got $5 for it at a used music store:) ). I really like this album though. Its not quite metal. Its not like the first 4 albums, not even close. It has alot of Promised Land influence and a tiny bit of Empire influence in some songs. Its alot better than Hear In The Now Frontier and Q2K. Alot of the songs on this album are good songs to kick back to and relax. I really like "Open" and "Desert Dance" alot. If you do what I did with this album and that was not expect it to be a heavy metal album but something that you may enjoy anyway you may like it. If you buy it thinking you are buying the next operation:MINDcrime youre obviously going to not like it because its far from it.
I'm going to have to hold off on it. There's too much other stuff I know is better that needs to fill blank space on my wall. Maybe a used store would be a good place to find it if there's room after all the St. Anger's came in...
i bought it, and i actually like it. it has a small HITNF element to it as well as promised land and empire. I really like the middle eastern and tribal flavor to it. Very nice. They have become more of a progressive rock band with slight metal elements in their sound, more than progressive metal or power metal of their earlier days and i accept that. I think it's alright. Better than HITNF and WAY better than Q2K.
Wicked Child said:
i bought it, and i actually like it. it has a small HITNF element to it as well as promised land and empire. I really like the middle eastern and tribal flavor to it. Very nice. They have become more of a progressive rock band with slight metal elements in their sound, more than progressive metal or power metal of their earlier days and i accept that. I think it's alright. Better than HITNF and WAY better than Q2K.

Great way to put it.