who is going to brixton gig

i think we will get 1 hour so about 6 songs as there are 4 bands on so i expect it also has doors open by 6.30 im told everyone gets frisked so i think getting there a bit before that will be good, im gonna be spending most of the day travelling there so hope traffic ok:kickass:
but do you know where opeth will be headliners and where arch enemy will?
i'm going to london and i think opeth will headline there but... thanks to anyone who will post some more info about that tour.
i know also devildriver and 3 inches of blood will play.
But Mike also said i think that both Opeth and Arch Enemy are co headliners and have same stage time so if 1st band on at 7 through till 7:30 next 7:45 to 8:30 then Arch Enemy 8:45 through to 9.45 then Opeth 10 to 11 unless 1st band on at 6.30 playing to an empty house
