Who is MR.WU?

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
Well Im pretty new to this board and probably sound slike atotal idiot but who is MR.WU? Just some stuff he sayd made it sound like you know....he plays for i certain band or something
Mr Wu is Scott Ian.

It took me a while to figure out when I first started visiting this board as well.
WHAT!!!! fuckin hell thats amazing if it's true.I kinda thought i was being gullible but seeing as this is THE anthrax message board i thoguth itcould be him.
Yes, the old honourable Mr. Wu, he has a guitarshop in Chinatown where he restores the finest chinese Fender and Gibson-copies. And sometimes he reads Scott Ians mind and writes it here.
I'm gullible haha.leave me alone. ooo now i get it he has the cool ass beard going on hence MR.WU, very clever