The System Is Failing



Can anyone tell me where 'The System Is Failing' came from? Sound slike it might be from the POE era to me, but then I'm probably wrong. And the track 'Chances Three'. Are they Japanese bonus tracks or something?

im pretty sure System is from the self-titled era.... sounds like it vocal-wise.... plus i have it in demo form on my ftp, from 92. Chances Three...... not completely sure hehe
System Is Failing is probably the worst Nevermore song ever recorded, of course it's still better than some other bands... It was from the s/t sessions, & can be found on the Japanese PoE, I think...(Not sure on that, could be apanese s/t)

Chances Three was recorded just after DHIADW came out, & was a bonus track on the European "Box" set for DHIADW. (Where you'll also find the BEST unreleased Nevermore song, "All The Cowards Hide" that was supposed to be on DNB, but was left off due to the fact that they figured they had enough songs bashing religion already! :lol: )

WD didn't like the System is failing, so it didn't make the S/T, though it got released on MP3 later on as a bonus to fans.

Chances three... i beleive that's on the demo isn't it? Plus it was on the Dead Heart box release.