Who is the speaker on the 'Inner Circle` ?

If you have read the thread from earlier on and in interviews given by tom, it is an actual person speaking. no voice acting. and that Eg would get in trouble by revealing the source. And it shure keeps the mysticism doesnt it :)
If you search a bit more on the forum you can find a thread in which it's discussed extensively, although we all know it's Ted Nugent going on rather drunk...
i listened to some stuff he's preached...:hypno: i couldn't stop laughing. then i realised he actually meant it. the worst part is, that he is able to find audience for his horrid brainwashing... :Puke: freedom of speech is a gift, but this homophobic maggot should be locked up in asylum
The speaker on "The inner circle" is rev David Wilkerson, a real watchman. "When the walls go down" is from a preaching he had in 2002, A Call to Anguish. Visit his homepage.

Holy crap! I listening to the mp3 as I writing this contribution and this man scares the shit out of me. I can´t belive that people actually are following the words of religious extremists like this. When it goes as far as this, religion is dangerous. Me feeling is the Christian extremists don´t understand that and this kind of brainwashing is as dangerous as any other religious extremism.

But on thing is for sure. This speach make the whole TIC experience and message even better, darker, deeper and more powerful. Something I didn´t think was possible, one of the best records ever made is now even better :rock:

This is actually for real. People actually say things like this, belive it and people are following it....I just can´t understand that.