who likes Sigur Rós?


Dark Overlord
Apr 28, 2002
Dayton, Ohio, USA
i love this band. there new album is coming out soon. its going to be really wierd, it's entitled "()" and there are 'vocals but no lyrics.' it's also split into two 'sides' one with happy songs and one with dark songs or something. and some places say the tracks are all untitled, too. it's going to be really wierd, and I dont know if that's good or bad. if you havent heard them, check out their first cd at least.. if you like radiohead or probably anathema, youll like them too...
they're fucking ace. i saw them on stage last year and they ruled. the latest album [the one you use the cover as your avatar] is a belter. i'm gonna miss their next gig cause i won't be in paris this day and it makes me sick :mad:

be sure to go to their gig in your town lads, they're worth it!
well i have listened to fewe songs by Sigur Ros. There are quite good, like there kind of playing, though i prefer Mogwai at least.
Did i mention you should check out Dredg ??? :cool:

And Sigur Ros will never come to my town.

Originally posted by Bambi
ha ha I'm going to see sigur ros and mehdi is'nt

na na na na na :)

ha ha you're gonna die at 30 from a liver cancer cause you drank too much and i'm not

na na na na na :p
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
i love this band. there new album is coming out soon. its going to be really wierd, it's entitled "()" and there are 'vocals but no lyrics.' it's also split into two 'sides' one with happy songs and one with dark songs or something. and some places say the tracks are all untitled, too. it's going to be really wierd, and I dont know if that's good or bad. if you havent heard them, check out their first cd at least.. if you like radiohead or probably anathema, youll like them too...

Wow that sounds very interesting and promising!
I have the Agaetis Byrjun, and shame on me, i only listened to it a few times, just because it reminded me of something sad at that time. But apart from that fact it is of course outstanding.
So do you have any idea when the album is going to be released??
October 29th...i think in north america and europe.


theres the album cover. I hate it :lol:
Saw this mob last night, very good.

BTW mehdi, The string quartet gals were much nicer than that fiddle playing floozie from the Celt :D
They're from Iceland, right? It's amazing how many bands and musicians this tiny country exports...... Would like to go there someday.....
I didn´t like them at first (I thought it was some kind of arty farty crap) but then I listened better and bammm! Wonderful.

Ágætis byrjun("An ok start"?) is their third album.

I really don´t know why I haven´t seen them here at home, I wait to long and they´re sold out. Stupid me.

I seen the singer like 10 times in downtown Reykjavik. He ´s kinda weird but cool. :)

I actually think the best band in Iceland is a stoner rock band called Brain Police (Kyuss-like). They rule!

Recently I´ve been checking out Clickhaze from the Fareoe Islands, sounds promising http://www.clickhaze.net/
and Tyr http://www.tyr.musiconline.dk/FrameE.htm