Who of you guys is able to reamp 2tracks?


Jun 10, 2008
We have the great pleasure to release a single in december. I finished both songs so far but I need 2 guitartracks reamped. Its a kind of US-Powermetal stuff. The Songs will be released on vinyl via High Roller Records. The band will get some free copies.
If you like to reamp our tracks you will be named on the single with whatever you want( studio adress etc.) This is the link to the 2 DI tracks: http://home.arcor.de/rogowski-lang/sceptordi.zip

I would be very very happy if you guys could help us because time is short.
Yes, the band will get some, I don't know how many, but you will not be dissapointed, if oyu know what I mean:)
No, that's not the correct link, you should hit the right mouse button when you hoover above the zip file and "copy public link". Then paste it here.
I get a 404 too, when you have dropbox running, are you sure you gave it enough time to upload the file? You can see a small icon on the right in your system tray (that's what it's called I think), and there you can see if all files are up to date. Did you put the file in the Public folder?
yes i did, i browsed their forum and a guy was asking why he's getting 404 failure constantly...must be a dropbox problem... I will upload the whole thing on another hoster, maybe I'm lucky.

Thank you for helf so far, I'll post when its done!
Hey, I've reramped one of the songs through a MK4....
pretty good quality DIs etc, so no problems ahead.

unfortunately my finalizer just took a crap on me which threw me back 4 days and I'm fighting with label deadlines anyway atm...
so I had to tell Curse that I can't do the other track...
if anyone wants to give it a shot with a MK4 I could help with the settings etc to match it to the other track.
Sorry again to Curse....