Who said you had to have expensive pickups?


Holy Crap! Lions!
Jul 13, 2010
Plymouth, UK
My Jackson has the cheapest, loudest humbuckers that ever came out of china, but I think they sound great! Anyone else got good results out of shitty gear?

This is just something I knocked up in 5 minutes, so there's little really being done to the guitars and bass other than ampsims and some filtering.

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My Jackson has the cheapest, loudest humbuckers that ever came out of china, but I think they sound great! Anyone else got good results out of shitty gear?

This is just something I knocked up in 5 minutes, so there's little really being done to the guitars and bass other than ampsims and some filtering.

Nice tone.
IMO all is important but it´s more important what you do with the things you have.

I had a GAS attack last days to changing my pickups but I didn't.
I now I starting to love my pickups and I think that sometimes companies make you feel like you need to spend a lot of money to sound good and this is opcional. :headbang:

They push to consume and it's hard to resist. :zombie: :lol:

I have a shitty ibanez stagestar here in the corner, quite beaten up, the neck its fucked and for the look of the guitar, you would not give more than a few bucks but I recorded some clip long ago, and (...)

Link broken.
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Picked up what works out to a $25 Cruiser strat-copy with a humbucker that sounds pretty badass and ballsy.
If you get what you need from the stock pickups, don't change them.

Every change will make a difference. People go to things like EMGs, Duncans, BKPs etc because they want *that* sound.

If you already like the sound you're getting and have no issues with the other aspects of the performance of your pickups (potting etc) then leave them alone and spend the cash elsewhere where it'll buy you things you need more urgently.