Who the fuck is Zozobra, and should I bother?


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
I noticed on my ticket for the Isis show on the 30th, that one of the openers, other than Jesu (Who I hear made it into the states finally), is a band name Zozobra.

Keep it short, should I bother to show up for them? Post samples to prove or disprove your answer if necessary.
They're in the same vein as Isis/Jesu (and are on the same label). Two songs on their Myspace to check out. You won't be missing much if you go a little late to the show.
Yeah, their myspace songs refuse to load for me, which is pissing me off. It's always the bands I have a need to check out that don't wanna work, where as all the Samwell fan pages will load just fine.
I had the exact same question, for the exact same reason (well, except my show is on the 22nd). So I check out their (latest?) album, and determined it's worth showing up for them. It didn't seem like anything mind-blowing, but if you like the other two bands, Zozobra fits in right there with them.

I'd say it's slightly more "stoner" take on the whole post-metal genre, which is actually something I'd sort of been hoping some band would do.

Seems worth showing up for. Includes members from Cave In and Old Man Gloom, I think. Definitely a more indie slant, but worth checking out.
Myspace finally worked for me... their stuff is 'ok'.

Guess I shall go a bit early (taking the public transit to this certain venue leaves me with 2 options = be there an hour and a half early or be an hour late) and check them out...
On the subject of openers I'm unsure of, next Saturday seeing Mastodon (which for some reason doors open very early for a Saturday), and the openers are Priestess and Mouth Of The Architect. Priestess sounded pretty cool from what I heard (For an upbeat stoner-rock band that is), on the other hand could only find short clips of MOTA, which gave me little to no idea what they are like. Insight people. Insight!
Priestess is 70's rock with a corporate push for mass consumption. They're serviceable as an opening act (I caught a few songs when I recently saw Mastodon), but nothing special. MotA, on the other hand, do the whole Neur-Isis thing very well. If myspace is working for you, check out some of their stuff. Their first album is damn good, their split is decent, and the new album is very well thought of, but I haven't heard much of it.
Yeah, if transportation was an issue for me, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to see Zozobra. But then again, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to see any one of these bands; it's only the three of them together that got me to buy a ticket, so I'll want to catch all of them. As long as an opening band doesn't completely suck, I'll usually try to get there in time to see at least half of their set, just to hear what they're all about. Because it's probably easier to check out their music there than it is trying to get their fucking myspace songs to play!

Last time I saw Isis was at a last-minute, announced-that-day show at a tiny club (because of a cancellation on the Tool tour?), and that was a hell of a show. I'm a little scared that it's not going be as good back at a larger venue again, but we'll see.

Too bad you aren't seeing the Mastodon tour with Cursive opening, because they rule. Anyone know anything about Against Me!? (first punctuation, theirs, second punctuation, mine)

Yeah, the place i'm seeing Isis at is pretty fucking small, I expect it to be a great show.

Same for mastodon, small as venue.
As I've heard, Zozobra is basically Old Man Gloom without one of the members or something (Aaron Turner gone with Isis being on tour or something like that? I can't remember) Anyway, I haven't heard their music, but it'll probably be pretty cool, since Old Man Gloom is the pants.
But if Isis and Zozobra on tour together, does it follow that...?

I saw Isis in a very small venue a few weeks ago. It was fucking amazing, one of the best shows I've ever seen. They encored Celestial (The Tower). My neck hurt like fuck the next day. If Isis aren't metal then why did I headbang until blue in the face.


Old Man Gloom are pretty much the best band in history.
On the subject of openers I'm unsure of, next Saturday seeing Mastodon (which for some reason doors open very early for a Saturday), and the openers are Priestess and Mouth Of The Architect. Priestess sounded pretty cool from what I heard (For an upbeat stoner-rock band that is), on the other hand could only find short clips of MOTA, which gave me little to no idea what they are like. Insight people. Insight!

Just found out Mastodon is playing NYC the same day I have tickets to another concert...fuck. I was just listening to MOTA - The Ties That Blind earlier today, great album. As for Zozobra, all Isis fans need to hear it (speaking of OMG's epic length track of that name, not the band).
Last but not least, I saw Jesu's first US show two days ago, and they pretty much slayed me...if you think they wimped out on Conqueror, fear not as they are damnably powerful live.
My neck hurt like fuck the next day. If Isis aren't metal then why did I headbang until blue in the face.

That's good to hear. Were you the only one, or was everyone snapping their necks too?

Cuz at that last show I was at, I was one of the only people there (and it was packed) who was even moving a muscle. I was apparently so out of place that after the show, a similarly-active couple stopped me and thanked/congratulated me for not being like "the rest of these fucking hipsters posing for each other". So I'm wondering if it's just the Chicago people who are weird.

Then again, I headbang like an asshole at Dresden Dolls concerts too (while wondering what the hell is wrong with everyone else), so maybe I'm the weird one. Hmm, maybe?

OMG is OK if you like 30 seconds of GREAT music surrounded by 10 minutes of bowel movement inducing feedback noise.

the only thing that rules by them is the cover of that Mr. Big song
Mouth of the Architect is a band along the lines of Neurosis. Their last album fucking rules and is better than anything Isis has ever done except Oceanic of course.
That's good to hear. Were you the only one, or was everyone snapping their necks too?

Cuz at that last show I was at, I was one of the only people there (and it was packed) who was even moving a muscle. I was apparently so out of place that after the show, a similarly-active couple stopped me and thanked/congratulated me for not being like "the rest of these fucking hipsters posing for each other". So I'm wondering if it's just the Chicago people who are weird.

Then again, I headbang like an asshole at Dresden Dolls concerts too (while wondering what the hell is wrong with everyone else), so maybe I'm the weird one. Hmm, maybe?

I couldn't believe how many "I'm so hardcore my hair is trimly cut" fagboys were headbanging that night. It was great. I only had one whisky.
:erk: no, sorry...still don't like christmas
Stop making me not want you (sexually).
OMG is OK if you like 30 seconds of GREAT music surrounded by 10 minutes of bowel movement inducing feedback noise.