Who the hell is Brooklyn Skye?

I think, she isn´t a fake. At least some of the people here are very talented, good looking and we have a lot of prominent guys here :lol: 3 reasons for a girl to get in touch. Although we´re obviously not very nice...except JeffTD, he´s the nicest and most friendly person of all here in the forum :D

Hi Brooke!
Oh jesus christ. I go away for a weekend to rock out with Threat Signal and Goatwhore and see some Cro Mags and Municipal Waste... and THIS happens? Im gonna get some popcorn...
I love the way we can't defend a female without being called up on trying to get some e-clunge :lol: Well, maybe we are.
wtf is this shit? you all go crazy about this lady and ONLY post about it? what are we here, a poet club? WRITE HER A GODDAMN SONG ALLREADY DAMMIT!
wtf is this shit? you all go crazy about this lady and ONLY post about it? what are we here, a poet club? WRITE HER A GODDAMN SONG ALLREADY DAMMIT!

Just finished writing the lyrics for my ballad, I'ma start recording the drums now. If anyone wants to have a look at the lyrics, here they are (I need a singer too, I can't sing for shit):
