Who wants ampkit clips?

Hi - I might be way late to the party, but this concerns me quite a bit.
I'd be interested in knowing more about the settings you used when you recorded. The electrical characteristics of each device can vary a bit, but you shouldn't be sounding this jammed up at all.

We've got a group on SoundCloud where you can submit recordings - for a better idea of the range you should be getting (all of these recordings are user submitted):
I can't hear the recordings (seems they've been removed), but everyone commented that they're muddy or worse. That's not the kind of performance you should be getting out of AmpKit.

If there's an adjustment or two that can be made, I can help clean it up.
Bumping this old thread because I figured out how to reamp R.O.S. DI tracks without any of that screatchy shit (took out one AD step in the process and it wasn't an issue).

Things to note: I didn't have the ability to properly record this with the correct gain staging. I was going from the iphone 4's headphone out into a Y splitter that went dual TS into 2 line inputs. So I was going from -10 to +4 line level (I think).

Rose Ampkit.mp3

The things I notice with the app:

The bass settings on any amp seem to do nothing (at least I can't fucking hear it, on or off it adds nothing). I ran this clip with the mids dimed as both the 6505 and Mesa seemed to scooped otherwise.
Nice clip!

I would like to find out more about your setup. We're looking very closely at the Bass curve right now. Partially from the software standpoint, partially from the frequency limitations of the iPhone/iPod/iPad. Get in touch with me from the Info section in-app?
I would like to find out more about your setup.

The setup is quit simple really:

I uploaded all 4 of Jeff's Rose of Sharyn DI tracks into ampkit.

I connected the iphone 4 via a regular 1/8" to dual RCA cable and used RCA to TS adapters. I then plugged that into the 2 line inputs on my line 6 toneport UX2.

I routed that into cubase 5 and hit record and then played the DI tracks one at a time into cubase.

After that I lined them up (as they were not lined up for obvious reasons).

So as far as the settings go (sorry these are so fuzzy, I don't have a camera or way to get screenshot properly of this), I can clarify any settings if you wish:

Peavey 6534+ model (woops, I guess it wasn't the 6505 model):




Toas model


