too lazy
but dood heres the plan
we take out North America then central and south america will be so scared they will surrender..... EURO is next they will put up a HUGE FIGHT so we will have to ignite one of their contries in nuclear flames in order to let em know we aint fuckin around
okay so now euro is ours we head east and just kill all those who fight those who are smart and surrender we leave alone
they will put up a fight but not as big as euro
stomp out china and the rest will follow cept north korea kill em all
then finally Africa thats gonna be easy i bet we can take it down without firing a shot
then we just take out every other little island philipines, austrailia, new zealand
then..... we will have................ peace
okay not peace we are going to be a psychotic dictatorship so now we can have fun with our people by abducing their 16 year old daughters for our own fun etc etc
any ideas?