Who wants to help bodomite take over the world

Bodomite=FUNNY dude :rock:
and I'd love to abolish 1.the Citroën Xsara Picasso (aka Fuglymobile...ouch my EYES!!!!), 2.Pro-Lifers (:Puke: ) and 3. ANYTHING featuring Dieter "Ipecac" Bohlen.
Can I join?;)
Turbo said:
What the fuck is it with you yanks and oil.
ŵG don^'t say anything like that or anyone who's into GWB, AYDY? or anything similiar will kill you ŵG!!!!1111 Because they'll think you're a European African whatever LIBERAL ŵG!!!11111
Hmmm, we can start with costa rica, they have no army we can easily overthrow their government with 5,000 crazy bastards on the internet. From there we can take panama and their canal. The will be a nice place to get a start. WE should probley forge and alleance with North Korea and China as well, they got plenty of people so we can have some nice human wave attacks, those are always fun to watch. Gimme the microasianan islands and a bunch of hot bitches to fuck and im in.

Edit: after the war i also want a fleet of vikings with dragon ships, and fill New zealand up full of poor people we can hunt when we get bored
wow dood I finally have enough people to lauch my full on attack!

Tomarrow night we take the USA!!! :lol:
and dont worry the doomsday decive will ensure our vitory
good news men we have successfully put america in our grasp however the media does not know this all we had to do was target the doomsday device at all the brothles in the usa and both bush and bill clinton said NO WE WILL OBEY YOUR EVERY COMMAND!!!

Now onto Canada!
fuck that! as of now me and my hick-asss hunting comrades have formed a militia and we will ambush you from our stratgically placed hunting stands in the woods. by the sound of a duck call we will send fierious buckshot and 30.06 down on your asses
i will assassinate you bodomite! and I WILL STEAL YOUR LEATHER PANTS
The Soulforged said:
fuck that! as of now me and my hick-asss hunting comrades have formed a militia and we will ambush you from our stratgically placed hunting stands in the woods. by the sound of a duck call we will send fierious buckshot and 30.06 down on your asses
i will assassinate you bodomite! and I WILL STEAL YOUR LEATHER PANTS

STFU n00b, I'm #1 on the server