Who wants to read my diary?


Apr 14, 2001

Theres my online diary, seeing as Im usually bored I usually write absolute crap in it, so dont expect anything interesting or sexually extravagant, might be good for a laugh in a sad kinda way though :)
Oh, I already went through it to make sure I didnt have anything incriminating in it before anyone asks :loco:
SO, you should all feel priviledged to gain access to the inner sanctum that is Spawnys mind. Enter at your own risk :D

(Oh, theres a few posts ive made on here on there too, just because I couldnt be bothered typing it up again, cutting and pasting is so much easier).
Then theres me, not that Im a hermaphrodite or have any hermaphrodidical qualities, but as I have been told many times, I am unlike others, but thats ok, I dont see whats so great about you lot anyway!

My god one of the women at work has a good accent.........man its so good......she could read a shopping list and it would sound good. Dont know where she is from, but I want to move there.

The banging on the desk is **REALLY** annoying me, I dont know what Im going to do if he does it one more time today. I can only be pushed so far. Give me strength.

"Whats a great song Spawny?" I hear you ask.
Ill tell you whats a great song. Tears Of The Dragon By Bruce Dickinson. Tis good. Tis very good indeed.

Ozzys new album is Crap with a capital C. I cant believe it took him 6 years to come up with this shit. I dont know what he was thinking. I am declaring a national day of mourning because Ozzy has lost his fucking mind.

I think Ill pick horny for my mood, not because I am, but because its funny. To me anyway.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by Mark
Could this be the manifesto for our upcoming Prime Minister?


:lol: :lol: Ill take the homer simpson line for my campaign "Cant somebody else do it??"

Mark: Well you know what to do now dont you? Restart it man! :)

Sydo: She really does have a great accent. Really. Oh my god its so good. She could be reading me my last rites before they electrocute me to death and id still love it *SIGH* :lol: :tickled:
Originally posted by Sydo
So do you like my new sig?;)

*LMAO* Now THATS funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I laughed out loud when I read that everyone at work looked at me wierd. Then I had to tell them that the freight train delays were what was so funny. :D
Originally posted by Joe Salami
I concur.

Spawny, you are magnificent. I am going to dedicate the rest of my days to tuning in to Spawny's Journal, and find out what is happening in your head 24/7.

Who needs Big Brother when you have Spawny's Journal?

:lol: Magnificent? Lets not go overboard here Joe :tickled:
Ill have to think up something good to put there now to live up the these lofty expectations, it probably wont happen, but just remember I had good intentions (Not good vibrations, which is a bad marky mark and the funky bunch song...)
Of course, you WERE the one to enlighten me to run for prime minister, you truly have created a monster. :D
August? Well, you have to update it and say whats been happening in the meantime now!
Are you still playing that guitar? I recommend rocking out to mary had a little lamb, because its nice and easy :)
Originally posted by Goreripper
Hey Spawny, have you ever read "Max and Murray" by Daryl Mason? Your diary entries remind me of it a lot. :D

No, ive never heard of it, what is it? Obviously a book of some kind, but seeing as ive never heard of the author either, im a tad mystified! :confused:
Interesting stuff spawny , pity you don't like the new Ozzy CD.
Its growing on me but I've got to admit its no Diary of A Madman or No More Tears. But it would appear its doing well in the US charts no 4 I beleive.

Oh well I 'M having a listen to "Saboatge " now thats an Album.
Well im going to give the cd another listen soon as everyone seems to say that it grows on them after as while, my favourite is still no more tears though! :D

Ive never heard Sabotage, I know its a black sabbath album, but thats it