Who wasn't impressed by Touch of Blissing Video


New Metal Member
Sep 22, 2004
Okay, to start with,, i'm new to this forum,, have been a evergrey fan for about 6 months now,, and i have all there albums except STD, been spreading the word about evergrey and making alot of my friends listen to them, and 90% loved them and went out and bought most of there stuff,, anyway, i'm not here to insult the band or the fans, but this is just my opinion,,,, i really think they couldv'e done a better job with touch of blessing, i just finished watching it,, the whole white scenario was kinda nice for a change,, and made things look crystal clear,, which is a gr8 idea,, but there were so many moves done by band members in the video that just let it down,,, did anyone realise that too,,, my point is that they were acting way too much! and it kinda put the video down in my opinion,, i guess maybe cause i'm use to watch all there past gr8 videos,, and no, i won't name them, they're all brilliant(but my favourites are I'm Sorry and Blinded),, anyway, i just wanted to know if the acting by the band in touch of blessing let down any one who watched it,, and took away some of evergrey's spirit,,,
I thought the parts with the band were awesome. I didnt really care for the guy looking at the window parts. But I loved how the band moved to the song....it was like watching them live, which is incredible. I just wish the guitar solo wasnt cut out of the video (at least any time i've seen it)
1Time said:
I thought the parts with the band were awesome. I didnt really care for the guy looking at the window parts. But I loved how the band moved to the song....it was like watching them live, which is incredible. I just wish the guitar solo wasnt cut out of the video (at least any time i've seen it)

The video for I'm Sorry is great.
forevergreyfan said:
Okay, to start with,, i'm new to this forum,, have been a evergrey fan for about 6 months now,, and i have all there albums except STD, been spreading the word about evergrey and making alot of my friends listen to them, and 90% loved them and went out and bought most of there stuff,, anyway, i'm not here to insult the band or the fans, but this is just my opinion,,,, i really think they couldv'e done a better job with touch of blessing, i just finished watching it,, the whole white scenario was kinda nice for a change,, and made things look crystal clear,, which is a gr8 idea,, but there were so many moves done by band members in the video that just let it down,,, did anyone realise that too,,, my point is that they were acting way too much! and it kinda put the video down in my opinion,, i guess maybe cause i'm use to watch all there past gr8 videos,, and no, i won't name them, they're all brilliant(but my favourites are I'm Sorry and Blinded),, anyway, i just wanted to know if the acting by the band in touch of blessing let down any one who watched it,, and took away some of evergrey's spirit,,,

1) Dude, it's not three commas, its three periods. Three commas would make someone read this message like a telegram "Done by the band members in the video stop stop stop did anyone realiza that too stop stop stop". When you put three periods, it becomes a grammatical term called "The Ellipses" which is a reference to an unfinished thought or sentence, or the combining of the two without using and. :D

Anyway, I don't really give a crap about videos, I prefer to listen to the music. So the video could've been a 4 minute film of a goat humping a tree and I would'nt have cared.
sknight said:
The video for I'm Sorry is great.

i'm sure I'm Sorry has touched so many fans and many others,, at first i was too lazy to take my time a listen to a semi-ballad, if i may call it,, i dunno wat u'de call it,, but when i downloaded the video,, i was blown away to another dimension, i don't ever think i'm ever gonna get sick of watching it, i've watched it over 50 times now,, and i still find the "need" to watch it every single day, I'm Sorry is just incredible,, the story in the video is one of the most amazing stories i've ever seen in any video until now,,, ( to the person who gave me a grammer listen, if i want a grammer lesson i'de sign up on about.com or some english forum,,, :p , u totally wasted ur time explaining to me wat the hell did the ... and ,,, mean,)
okay, now if u really wanna know what i meant about the acting and unnessary moves in the Touch of Blessing video that kinda some how dissapointed me here u go with the timings..

02:10 (henrik)

02:30 (tom)

02:52 (the drum piece seemed like it was gonna get knocked over , a take or two wouldn't have hurted)

03:38 (henrik)

the last pose in the video where they all stand still couldve been deleted, cause i'm sure many of u are use to seeing still poses in the end by pop groups on stage and several different performances on stage which have nothing to do with metal

forevergreyfan said:
( to the person who gave me a grammer listen, if i want a grammer lesson i'de sign up on about.com or some english forum,,, :p , u totally wasted ur time explaining to me wat the hell did the ... and ,,, mean,)
Look, he didn't do it to be mean. He just pointed out your mistake in case you didn't know about it. Writing sentences in a proper way makes it much easier for all of us to read and understand.
From what I've read. Evergrey had to pay for that video themselves. So considering the budget, I think the video turned out great.
It's not too good. I don't really watch videos with only a band playing more than once or twice, and the "storyline" parts in A Touch Of Blessing were, if not meaningless, useless. They do kick ass in their videos, but that's not enough for me really.
If a video "takes away their spirit" to you, then I don't know why you're listening to them in the first place. The music obviously doesn't matter if something as trivial as a music video is going to shake your enjoyment of them that much. Especially a video that is mostly them playing in front of a white background. GOD HOW COULD THEY EVER DO THAT TO US?!!! :rolleyes:
Personally, I prefer videos that are more minmalist in their feel. Too much storyline, IMHO, gives you an interpretation in a visual form, something that is quite powerful and can often supercede one's own interpreation since it is so hard to get outta one's head.

I would rather have a song be "mine" in that way, if that makes sense...it makes one feel more active as a listener. Sure, art of any kind has to be self centered when crated, but once created and put out there it is for the beholder more than it is for the creator(s).