Who Went To Bloodstock?


Martin Rodwell


I was fortunate enough to work at Bloodstock and would be interested to know who attended the festival. I must say that I was a bit disapointed with the turnout for Saxon after so many had watched Primal Fear.

Yep I went.
It was a great day out but as you said I don't think that huge amounts were there to see Saxon. I was down the front with a few others a bit drunk by then. We were the instigators of all the Saxon chants!
My favourites of the day were Glenn Hughes, Orange Goblin and Blaze.
There was a great atmosphere there all day and it made a really nice change not to have anyone land on my head all day!
Saxon track of the day for me had to be Dogs of War.

yep i was there as well.
Great day was had, enjoyed most of the bands, each had there merits, sure one or two were not quite my scene but then i don't critisise as i am one for the maxim 'if you can do better why aren't you?!'....
Enjoyed every part of saxons show...
I was the guy with the leather gloves on in front of nibbs and Doug, giving it all!!
Favourite song of the evening still has to be Princess of the Night... Classic, although overjoyed to hear Crusader again...
Will be there next year..