who would want this to happen?

Oct 24, 2007
i had this idea the other day. what if BB made an album say of about 10 songs. 5 of them nightmares made flesh songs sung by Mikael Åkerfeldt and the other 5 being RTC/BD songs sung by Peter Tägtgren?
what would you think about that, we've already gotten a taste of mikael on the wacken carnage, and i do love peters vocals on NMF
I've posted something about this before. Would like BD/RTC redone with Peter, and NMF redone with Mikael. ;)

People would still buy them and they get more money!
I would absolutely not be interested in Peter doing vocals for those albums. The Mike recording Nightmares Made Flesh would not be bad, but I am not into bands re-recording stuff.
I would definitely buy that shit, but it should come all in one package..

I though about it many times.. but you got the balls to say it.. Since I love both vocalists I'd really enjoy that.
I wouldnt like it, would also be a big waste of time, just like the re-recording of Catch 22 was.
Use the energy to create something new instead.
Although ideally I would like to hear stuff like this, it's not practical at all. I'd have to say Catch 22 being redone was not a waste of time at all though, the new version is far better all around.
I wouldnt like it, would also be a big waste of time, just like the re-recording of Catch 22 was.
Use the energy to create something new instead.

good point

although i liked meshuggahs redone nothing, i thought it was pretty great

just figured it might be neat if they had some spare time, i'm sure its not something any of the members considered ever :lol:
It wouldn't be good, Peter is godlike but it would have this strange, almost homosexual aura around it. I couldn't put my finger on a word to describe it....but Satan just wouldn't approve.
Agreed about Hypocrisy with re-releasing Catch 22. What a waste of time...Virus came out in 05...we're getting towards 09 with a supposed new record...about damn time.

Back on topic...stick to releasing new stuff...Juggling the vocalists is a bad idea. Keep Mikael on board and just deliver a killer fucking record...onward(backward, hehe) from here!
^but you couldn't deny that having peter and mikael going back and forth on a song would be bad ass. and virus kicked ass, i'm hopin there new album will be similar
Peter should at least make a guest appearance on the new album, that would rule.

Regarding to a german interview I think with the utmost probability a guest appearance of someone is possible, because Blakkheim is talking about "at least one big suprise for the new album". What is he meaning? Guest appearance of Swanö? Tägtgren? Somebody else? Who knows.....

For the Germans: http://www.smalltowncriminals.de/newsfl/content/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3928
Peter should at least make a guest appearance on the new album, that would rule.

I agree with this as well. Peter making a guest appearance would be such a perfect song. Mikael's lows with Peter's aggression would be the ultimate package. haha. However once again, I don't see that happening:p

Still, despite the fact I think Peter is the better of the two vocalists (on heavy shit only obviously), Mikael kicks ass too, and his work on UTP was on a level I never saw coming. This new album will be just a good either way. So I'm going to try not to dig into the Peter vs Mikael stuff anymore. It's retarded and both are great growlers.

Still... If both appeared in a dualing vocals song... It'd be utter excellence