who would you spend some time with?

yes but he was a very persuasive and cool religious freak, plus he lived in Russia and russians are allowed to be religious freaks :p
id become a religious freak if i could meet dostoievsky in exchange

seriously now, tolkien's religiousness is more annoying to me because it has the feel of a typical opus dei guy, while dostoievsky is more like the mad mistic who knows and feels pain and suffering, and actually thinks it out.
xenophobe said:
Politicians: John Kerry, to ask him how he can be such a stupid, mindless, two faced fuck.
Quite. :grin:

Writers: ...Either that or LRon Hubbard, to ask how a 2nd rate science fiction novelist can turn himself into a diety of worship. :p
Seems like it was way to easy, doesn't it? If you just target the biggest most out of touch morons (namely actors and entertainers) feeding them any baloney that will make them feel even better about themselves, it seems you can get their money and their devotion to you as a GOD.
Politicians: No idea....George Washington

Musicians: LOTS of classical musicians....otherwise Flo Mounier and John Longstreth and Trym and their buddies

Writers: Tokien

Actors/Actresses: Catherine Zeta-Jones, for being attractive. Harrison Ford, because he's cool and a pilot and Han Solo. Mel Gibson, because he is the Patriot. And everyone from LoTR because I like those movies. And Johnny Depp because, as stated, he's a pirate.
Violet Baudelaire said:
seriously now, tolkien's religiousness is more annoying to me because it has the feel of a typical opus dei guy, while dostoievsky is more like the mad mistic who knows and feels pain and suffering, and actually thinks it out.
I knew Tolkien believed in organized religion and God but I never knew he was a big religious freak
Which of his bios do you recommend?
Politicians - George W. Bush, providing I'm the one holding the .357 Desert Eagle, and no one else knows

Musicians - Varg, Ihsahn, Samoth, Tchort... any of these guys

Writers - Noam Chomsky, although I probobly wouldn't be able to carry on a conversation with him considering his intellect.

Actors - Do pornstars count? :loco:
Wandrail said:
Seems like it was way to easy, doesn't it? If you just target the biggest most out of touch morons (namely actors and entertainers) feeding them any baloney that will make them feel even better about themselves, it seems you can get their money and their devotion to you as a GOD.
Well, see, he brainwashes them really good. His advice really isn't all that bad, and what he tells you that you need to do is actually pretty good, so he's like a self-help guy who ended up making a philosophy around it, in which he is the all knowing, you are the ones desiring to be all knowing, and damn, they have so many things you can buy... his separate teachings, expensive leather bound volumes that cost hundreds of dollars each.

It's like self-help with a touch of brainwashing, collectors special edition market freaks, and gatherings to talk about his skewed preachings.

It's incredibly genius, but incredibly scary how much power his cult now weilds.

Before that, he wrote boring sci-fi novels... haha... it just boggles and amazes me, it's just so scary.
politicians - winston churchill. i know he's dead, but there's no living politician i find remotely interesting.

musician - well, obviously everyone in dark tranquillity, but i've spent a lot of time with them already, and will again in the week-end. :p so let's say martin walkyier, former member of skyclad. he's a very bright and cultivated guy.

writers - heh. robert jordan. i want to extort from him news about the next wot book.

actors - edward norton, to put my heterosexuality to the test. ;)
Politician - David Blunkett: He's so blind i could punch him in the face and tell him it was someone else!

Musician - Jim Morrison, just so i wouldn't be the most wasted person at the end of the night.

Writer - Too hard to choose, i'd say Nietzsche but it'll change.

Actor - Robert Di Nero or Monica Bellucci - and she would sit on my face.
politician: john kerry, as far as i can tell right now he is just the lesser of two evils, i would like to meet him and know if there is any hope for america
musician: dan swano, he's a genius.
writer: terry goodkind, robert jordan, and george martin
actor:johnny depp, he's a great actor, seems like a cool person, and as previously stated(multiple times) he's a pirate.