Who of the COB guys would you like to meet?

^haha...i remember that. That was a while back and now that everything is done, i lost my lust so now i'm not that anymore...i'm just Alexi's nymph.
:erk: .. :Smug:
Didn't you also have a boyfriend back then as well?
who cares?
Yeah, that time i did. But we broke up like a couple of days ago.
:waah: just leave
Hm, I wonder why. :Smug:
So are you a virgin?
:lol: .. wait.. :erk: :confused: WHO CARES?
Nope. I wanted to save it for ALexi but i couldn't wait that long.
:Puke: o...m..g... :erk: just be quiet..

But please, let's try to stay ON-TOPIC... for Webmaster/visitor's sake.
OMG... I actually read all these 20 pages... Now I'm begging for my time back :D

to the topic: I'd like to meet Henkka and Alexi. From the DVDs and interviews they seem so different from each other, but still like fun people to hang out with. I envy the people who've had the opportunity to talk to them, since I'm pretty sure they won't come near my hometown *sigh*
I'd like to meet all of 'em, probably Alexi most of all because he's the main composer of their stuff, but other than that I don't have much of a preference. I like that the band as a whole isn't focused on having some insane image of themselves (none of that face paint/costume/whatever bullshit like some bands) and that they can just play cool music and have fun.

Oh, one more thing (kinda off topic, but so are the majority of the conversations on this thread anyway) Lady Laiho, I've got to know what the hell is on your signature. Is it. . . .Alexi. . . .and Janne. . . .kissing?:Puke:
^LOL, yeah, it's them kissing. The famous kiss everyone keeps exagerating about and makes crazy stories about. When i put it on my sig, i thought it would be a big pic but it came out small. Then on the sides is a big ex over Kim and Allu and on the other side is Alexi hugging a stuffed animal which is so damn cute.

The face paint/costume is probably a trend for black metal bands. It makes them appear more evil or they just look cool. I'm glad they do that kind of stuff. So many of those bands try to be serious, but i'm glad some bands like Satyricon can be themselves.

Back on topic: I really want to meet the whole band even more now. I appreciate them more and more each time. A lot of new bands coming out are no where as good as Bodom. Most of their stuff is pretty simple so knowing Bodom can outdo them makes them even better.
^lol. That was pretty funny.

It's not that I wouldn't listen to a band that did the whole paint/costume thing, it's just that I think in some cases it seems a little poseur-ish, (I guess it just makes me think of Kiss lol) but I like Lordi a little bit, and they wear all kinds of weird stuff (though they're not trying to be serious either). It is cool sometimes, just not all the time, I guess.

Oh yeah, why does poseur have a "u" in it? Couldn't you just say "poser" and it would make more sense?
Heartless: People would still be able to tell how they really look cuz they've probably seen many pics w/o their makeup on the internet.
No more off topic please. The majority of the visitors doesn't care about your stuff.
Well, me being the thread starter I found it intriguing to come back after two months and read what my thread had grown into :D

I really want to meet Alexi more than ever now. I'm a complete and total wreck without him. I need him in my life.[...]
Girl, what you need in your life is a therapist. Seriously. You sound totally delusional, being totally convinced that you're his future girlfriend and all. You sound like you're either a fake or in some kind of psychosis. What you feel is neither love nor lust, it's an obsession. If I were in Alexi's place I'd be scared of an obsessed fan like you. I remember someone (can't recall who) mentioned doing therapy about their obsession with Lauri Ylönen. Seriously, I think that's what you need as well. I'm concerned about your mental well-being.

Anyway, back on topic:

Hm, well this might just be me, being a very realistic and logical person, but I wouldn't want to meet any of them, to be honest, unless it was for a decent amount of time.[...]
[...]I've met one of my heros, it was cool, but they're just people like anyone else.
Yes, they are just like anyone else - and just like anyone else there are people among them who you find more interesting ore less interesting. Heartless_Name's attitude was exactly what I was going for with this thread. I wanted to go beyond the COB guys being your heros, I wanted to ask if there's anything about one of the guys that makes him interesting to you as a person. Some ordinary person who you'd like to meet and chat with for a decent amount of time. For most of us this won't ever happen. But seems some forumers had the chance to get to know the guys...... and what you guys said about Henkka supports the impression I got from reading interviews. I think I'd find a chat with him really interesting, and now I'm getting more and more curious about what Henkka thinks a good person is like.