Who would you guys like to see replace Ale as a permenent memeber in COB?

Oct 22, 2003
vancouver, canada
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Personnaly i would like to see myself replace Alexander because i have video games and the hatecrew attitude to become a memeber of COB. But i think it would cool to see Jon Schaffer from Iced earth just because he's such a great riffer.
the polish bastard said:
Personnaly i would like to see myself replace Alexander because i have video games and the hatecrew attitude to become a memeber of COB.

You're kidding us, don't you?

But to answer your question, I think James Hetfield would fit into COB because he is the master of riffing!
I think it would be really funny if James Hetfield joined, but nothing besides funny.

I would want someone very metal, someone with the talent of the two guitarists from Arch Enemy.

> Who here does not want to play in Children Of Bodom?

me, because i'm about 4 to 5% good enough..... and i'm more of a studio guitarist than live performer anyway.

> I'd like someone non-famous and talented to take his place

As opposed to non-talented and famous, like every piece of shit you see in north america calling itself a "musician".