what guests would you like to see play with cob?

Sexi Alexi 94

Oct 10, 2006
since alexi played with annihlator, i think itd be awesome to see like votrex from dimmu borgir sing on the new album or like have someone play a guitar solo with alexi, what do you think?...have they ever had any guests in the past?

No Dimmu singing on the new album!

I think some female vocals should be on the album like.......Morgan Lander.
I don't want any guest on COB's albums. There has never been any (except on bonus tracks like Oops I Did It Again) and I think it's better this way. I like when one of Bodom's members appears on another artist album, but I wouldn't like the opposite to happen.
NOfuckingbody, COB is unique. But maybe on some cover. I don't mean like another instrument player doing some shit because COB guys are good enough, but maybe something like a voodoo guy playing some drums or something, you know..
I'd prefer no guest vocals... but maybe if someone doubled up on something, that'd be pretty sweet. Like... Janne and keyboards from Dimmu... hehe, that'd be interesting...
Yeah, Jeff is seriously awesome.

Chris Broderick>>>>>>>>>>Jeff Loomis

Have you seen the 4 fingers double tapping Mozart thing from Chirs Broderick?Jeff is very vast and very accurate,and his sweeps are huge,but Chris is from other planet.



Guests???Maybe Steve Vai playing a solo,but I don't think so.COB have enough good musicians to play by themselves.What I'd like to see is Roope soloing also.
Anyone from Dimmu Borgir associating themselves with CoB = No.

Dimmu Borgir are already just about holding onto what respect they still might have from the Black Metal community. If they associate themselves with CoB they might aswell just start writing pop music.
I think Roope doing a solos would be enough, and cool. This whole thing is ridicilous and perfectly referrable to bands covering known bands, COB don't do that anymore, they cover Britney Spears and shit for fun, they ARE the ones who bands look up to these days.

None shall interfere in a COB song without being baptized in lake Bodom.